Buy game

>Buy game
>Accept terms of service
>Terms change without your consent
>Lose game
>Money stolen

Attached: Unavngivet.jpg (1920x1081, 485.67K)

All you had to do was not type Nigger in chat, billy.

>lose game
you still have singleplayer

>create fake screenshot
>gain easy (you)s

if you still play online games you deserve this.

>buying games
should have pirated.
I hope you learned a lesson, if developers are okay with stealing from you, why shouldn't you do the same, why show pity or mercy to someone who is willing to harm you? are you stupid or something?

Free speech

It's the free market, commie

>Terms change without your consent
You agreed to that in the TOS lol

I'm sure some autist will program a website/plugin combo that lets you make accounts for cracked servers where you login to their website with the client instead to authenticate.

>TOS is a legally binding contract

no we didn't. the tos from when i got minecraft in beta never explicitly said that a malicious entity would be taking over the game and force me to conform to their ideas of what is "free speech." let moderators on servers handle shitters, dont let an out of touch group of special snowflake swedes who cant handle a bit of banter police people for saying a single slur.

Not in private companies, zoomie

You literally get no evidence on why your account is temp/permanent banned. The Bangladeshi mojang support team has not responded to anyone who was banned.

I implore you to obtain an understanding of the things you try to use to justify being a sperg on the internet

The thing is that nobody did. My college changed its """TOS""" and was scared shitless of lawsuits so it made it apply to new students only. Mojang is a piece of shit lawless megacorp that nobody is going to sue because a new Minecraft account is 27$ but that doesn't mean they're right.

So, is it true or not that there are hacks that self report things written by these hacks to ban everyone in a private server?
But anyway, why didn't this happen before?

>Tens of billions of dollars in government handouts

Attached: 1512590218162.gif (350x196, 1.61M)

to speak, takes the risk of offending someone. someone's right to be offended does not trump my ability to say nigger.

it said that they can change the tos whenever they want.
your own fault for not reading it at all.

it most certainly does when you're on someone's private property.

A fool and his money are easily parted.

Sorry chud it’s a socialist private company and Xey can do that Xit wants

accounts weren't on microsoft until recently, they forced everyone to migrate their accounts.

a game is not someone's private property, a server is. if their local policing force believes i should be removed, that's up to them. mojang has no right to enforce bans on a global scale for something that gets handled by an already existing force

Still impressed how to play anything, even a 3D TETRIS, you need to read 500 pages of legal documents.

take it to the court then

Sue them then

I was called a schizo for claiming they would start doing this after they made everyone transfer accounts