
>Takes the entire God of War Speedrun Board

Attached: Brazil-flag_cr-Adobe-Stock_E.jpg (1080x720, 52.81K)

>ordem e progresso

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Do know that by mentioning this god forsaken country, you'll get a bunch of brazilian retards sperging about their garbage country.
t. brazilian retard

I love your women bro. Sent more of them over here in Europe

aqui é board de brasileiro porra

but ur better than venezuela and mexico

Mmm Brazilian shemales with fat cock bulges

At least they don't try to pretend to be a good country.

>omg gringos please love me, i'm one of the good ones, see how i call myself retard? i'm so inferior to you, please love me
Vai se fuder mama rola.

I've been on brazil and it's not that bad.
t. brazzilian

>press O but very fast
Lab monkeys did more for bananas

Bom de Guerra is our national sport

Odeio gringo (principalmente amerifat), mas eu odeio brasileiro ainda mais.

Attached: lmao.jpg (3508x2753, 946.82K)

>odeia amerifat
>passa o dia no Any Forums

I honestly think we have some type of genetic predisposition to liking God of War.

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Even Congo is better than Venezuela and Mexico

Real. Acho que o que eu odeio de verdade é eu mesmo.

Você é preto?

Fucked one from Rio and 2 from Sao Paulo

mad cuz bad

Me recuso a gastar tempo limitado da minha vida nesse thread, ja tenho Brasil demais na minha vida, então adeus.

fora bolsonaro

they only play playstation unironically

Vá lá chupar pica de traveco, viado.

Xbox 360 was the most played by the time because of piracy. And now xbox one is pretty popular because of gamepass.

Eu quero sair desse país mas sou muito patético para conseguir ir para país de primeiro mundo.

This. I can't stand friends and coworkers talking about pajeetpass. Many of them think buying games on steam/nuuvem is stupid and I should stick to the ranjeetpass catalog

three words: nigger

but it is the inverse poors have literally nothing to lose

the west doesnt believe in meritocracy anymore

Jeetpass is great for normalfags though.
My brother used to only play Fifa, now he is actually playing more games