Why did the dev decide to give all the characters in Stardew Valley fucked up backstories...

Why did the dev decide to give all the characters in Stardew Valley fucked up backstories? Isn't this supposed to be a kids game?

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marn :)

>Isn't this supposed to be a kids game?
is it? it's rated E10+

This is what rural living is actually like user. Everyone's hooked on something

>kids game
No, it's not.

you tell em, paco! viva la california!

>Isn't this supposed to be a kids game
It's nostalgiabaiting for people who jerked off to Harvest Moon 25 years ago and tumblrinas who jerk off to Animal Crossing today

Bad choice of words, but that's true. This game was made inspired in harvest moon. This game is loved by the players who loved the HM games from the old times, and new players who love it because how comfy and simple it can be.

If you build your relationship with a character they'll eventually open up and tell you about the darker stuff in their life which they usually keep for themselves. You know, just like how people behave in real life.
And yes, literally everyone has a dark side they don't show. Or did you honestly believe the life people present on their insta profile is the real one? Everyone has regrets, sad memories, broken friendships, old shames, bad experiences. And they usually only tell you about it if they feel they can trust you, so you need to work on your relationship to get to those tasty bits. The game kinda simulates this via its gift mechanic. And as a reward you find out some juicy stuff about that character.

It's obviously for tumblrinas because literally every character either has a tragic backstory or is currently causing someone else's tragic backstory

>This is what rural living is actually like user.
>This is what life is actually like user.

I see you king.

>tumblrinas who jerk off to Animal Crossing today
This is a retarded statement. The game has little to nothing to do with Animal Crossing. In fact retards like you made me actually try out an Animal Crossing game and it's nothing at all like these games. This comparison is made by people who've literally never played any of the games mentioned.

>literally every character either has a tragic backstory or is currently causing someone else's tragic backstory
Once you've finished school you'll undertstand why.

I need a bloody option to customise how long a day takes.
Time passes too fast.

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>village of under 30 people
>every single person is a druggie, molester, ptsd/abuse victim, etc.
Only in tumblrland or Alabama

Now this guy is making up things. The best is just ignore him. After all, if he dislike the game that much, why is he here? Oh well, next topic

>making up things
Who doesn't fit that description
>old couple
>beach fabio
>ir couple
>redneck bus driver
>town drunk
>adopted farm kids
Maybe the mayor and the incel blacksmith are the only two that aren't tumblr OCs and even then the incel blacksmith is a tumblr villain OC

Clint is more like a really funny punching bag than a villain. You can laugh at him but I don't think anyone actually hates him.

>try animal crossing
>buy a lawnmower
>I think, this will make getting rid of unsightly grass easier!
>its just a prop that does nothing
Fuck that bullshit lazy ass game.