Filters you

>filters you

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>getting filtered by geni, of all things

>less than half of players have beaten him

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He's not all that hard his fight is pretty fair and last phase practically hands you victory on a silver platter with lightning reversal.

Only 2 games have i struggled with bosses. Sekiro and KH2:FM

I forced myself to learn how to play to beat Lady Butterfly rather than poking an exploitable hole in her patterns. I beat her before Gyoubo so the entire game was rather easy afterwards. It blows my mind that there are people who got to Genichiro without getting their head around the fundamentals of the game. I do think it's cool how he's basically a shitter-filter for that point in the game. You can cheese and fail your game up to him and then he's either a wall or fair and easy depending on how well you get the game. I did see one guy on youtube who basically never parried until this fight.

Genichiro is evidence that most souls players summoned their way through the games.

Butterfly consistently gets more hits in than geni. I don't know why I can't wrap my head around her.

holy based

I found Sekiro significantly easier than Souls. Maybe I'm just retarded but I can't get the hang of rolling through attacks.

it's understandable
when you roll your position changes, but when you parry you stay where you are

He's one of FromSoftware's very best bosses, in my opinion. Also, his Inner version is great.

She doesn't have that much posture you just need to keep the pressure up and parry everything she throws at you after getting her health down enough.

I eventually beat her by just never taking the pressure off so she couldn't wear me down with magic and illusions in the second phase. It was a frustration move but it worked, killed her first try, then i understood the game. Just in her face until she was dead.

I think what confuses me is how nonsensically positioning actually factors in. My instinct is to dodge the physical presence of the attack, but the games seem to want you to think in i-frames and loose hitboxes.

>filters you

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I fucking hated some bosses in bof for how much of a damage sponge for no reason they were.

He filtered me out of the game for like 3 weeks, but now I can beat him pretty consistently. I beat the two owl bosses in two dayals each and I can't still take them down consistently if I try

If you don't get mikiri counter. It makes things quite harder. Also if you don't adapt to posture bar instead hp bar mentality. It's fucks you up.
You have to adapt for sekiro

>I eventually beat her by just never taking the pressure off so she couldn't wear me down with magic and illusions in the second phase
That's exactly what you're meant to do in all of the fights, it's the core of Sekiro's design philosophy. You're deflecting but on a grander scale. Getting your ass kicked because your opponent is putting too much pressure on you? Turn the situation around and put pressure on them instead. When the game clicked and i got good at it, it became one of the most satisfying games I've ever played. Still go back to it regularly just to kick Isshin's ass.

Owl in Hirata is the hard one the first one isn't too bad. Round 2 is just a long slog.

Lady butterfly is the designated deflect "tutorial" boss and I only find it out because I beat her after Gyoubo.

The thing about owl is that you have to lower his hp before you can consistently damage his posture so it's a long endurance battle.

only demon of hatred filtered me so i skipped it
glock sain isshin was the best From boss

based. godfrey would be next to him if he had a full hp second phase imo

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