Valorant will start listening to your voice chat in July

>In order to train a language model for future disruptive behavior reports.
>Riot Games will begin background evaluation of recorded in-game voice communications on July 13th in North America, in English. In a brief statement (opens in new tab) Riot said that the purpose of the recording is ultimately to "collect clear evidence that could verify any violations of behavioral policies."
>For now, however, recordings will be used to develop the evaluation system that may eventually be implemented. That means training some kind of language model using the recordings, says Riot, to "get the tech in a good enough place for a beta launch later this year."
>Riot also makes clear that voice evaluation from this test will not be used for reports.
>"We know that before we can even think of expanding this tool, we’ll have to be confident it’s effective, and if mistakes happen, we have systems in place to make sure we can correct any false positives (or negatives for that matter)," said Riot. OCAoc
I love Riot so much it's unreal.

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Time to enter the demiurge temple of words and make some replacements

>b-but Valorant isn't spyware!
Where are all those people now?

Honestly, just start killing Riot employees and their families. Problem fucking solved.

>>In order to train a language model for future disruptive behavior reports.
>>Riot Games will begin background evaluation of recorded in-game voice communications on July 13th in North America, in English. In a brief statement (opens in new tab) Riot said that the purpose of the recording is ultimately to "collect clear evidence that could verify any violations of behavioral policies."
>>For now, however, recordings will be used to develop the evaluation system that may eventually be implemented. That means training some kind of language model using the recordings, says Riot, to "get the tech in a good enough place for a beta launch later this year."
>>Riot also makes clear that voice evaluation from this test will not be used for reports.
>>"We know that before we can even think of expanding this tool, we’ll have to be confident it’s effective, and if mistakes happen, we have systems in place to make sure we can correct any false positives (or negatives for that matter)," said Riot.
> OCAoc
>I love Riot so much it's unreal.

Uhh who ask this website spies on (You) by the way from steganography down to stylometry.
Still gonna play it either way.

They all want people to turn into machines...
Why bother with any kind of communication when it's like this? I don't mean people need to be able to yell nigger 24/7 but what's the point? George Orwell is rolling around in his grave and has been rolling for about 15 years now already.

oh no the schizophrenic retard that thinks all anticheat is spyware is here again

> OCAoc

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I don't play Valorant nor do I play LoL, so guess it's time to make an account and go shout NIGGER on voice chat

>Chinese companies will spy on you
Color me surprised

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>Riot hears everything you say.

>it's another instance where AI turns racist within hours of being activated

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I'll just tell them they're a faggot in non English.

this shit is absolutely illegal in any first world country, wtf.

so if you start venting by calling everybody women, it will eventually lead to people getting banned for saying "women"? seems based.

Great, another AI punishment system that is wrong 80% of the time. Just wait until we see real life applications of this garbage

That's why they do it in north america.

American government is spying on you, why do you care so much when china does it? You're not even american.

I'm not korean or chinese I don't play riot games

>Riot games.
How in the fuck is this gay parade of a studio not bankrupt and folded? All of their games are utter trash.

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Mentally ill fans with sunk cost

Why is it that the more left leaning something gets the more of a dystopian hellscape it turns into?

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Never understand why big Corp suddenly feels like it's their job to play cyberpolice. Don't see fucking Toyota taking your car away because you didn't turn on your blink signal.

The jews are keeping a database of your voice chats now be careful

Wait, people actually play this game?

I assure you Microshaft and the NSA have been collaborating extensively to create voice chat databases for years

This, LoLfags are truly something else, despite having shit shoved down their throats for half a decade they still keep playing. WoW players are actually sane by comparison, it genuinely baffles me. These mentally ill Stockholm syndrome fucks will be playing to their dying breaths I'm certain of it.

>Be Japanese
>Say nigero

>Be Spanish
>Say negro

I mean not surprising but as far as I know faceit, ESEA and such for CS already do this and ban you within seconds if you say faggot, so this isn't unprecedented

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Shouldn't be a chud

Who cares, everyone carries phones that do this anyway

>Implying that in 15 Years Toyota won't have an AI that listens in with the hands free phone interface that bricks your car if you say something against Silicon Valley faggots, even if you're in the middle of the highway.
You aren't thinking about it in the right way, they don't give a shit about if you commit traffic violations, theft, arson or even murder, but if you propagate wrongthink then and only then, do they have a moral objection.