Attached: DEAR.png (340x305, 84.89K)

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what was your reaction to her announcement?

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>I'm also a game design graduate and develop small time games on the side
Well that explains it, he probably made 20 space invaders tier games and acts like he's good enough to fix Sonic.

It's because while game design is important, the problem with studying it so deeply is you get all these people who only understand it from the mechanical side, and don't know anything about actual passion or personality, and so their creations, even if """well designed""" if looked at purely by the numbers, will lack soul


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this is what I hate about indie games overall. I want something cool and exciting with fun gameplay, not quirky shit that serves no purpose other than so the developer(s) can stroke his dick to how creative he thinks he is. unique =/= fun or good. this isn't all indie games, of course.

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Sonic has never had a design people didn't like besides the initial movie reveal which didn't exist when this retard made this video. Literally trying to fix the least broken thing about Sonic.

How the fuck do you pronounce it as seega

The thing literally tells you how it's pronounced when you turn it on

There are still people who don't know this was satire.

yeah that's why he deleted his video and every other video on his channel is 100% serious

If it was, then he wouldn't have deleted the video. I did think it was satire until he seriously gave his resumé to justify his thoughts

>post a shit idea video
>your idea is so shit that everyone unilaterally hates it
>deletes your video
This is so fucking lame holy shit, I would have more respect if he just kept the video on


Sexual intercourse with Miles Prower.

I blame braid for the current state of indie games it was the first pretentious game to get a ton of praise from journalist

I disliked this concept as much as anybody really, but I do feel Sonic could benefit from a sort of reboot, if done right at least. One thing SEGA could try is to capitalize on the successful films, maybe changing Sonic's design to be closer to those, in the same way that Classic was replaced with Adventure/Modern in 1998, they could replace Adventure/Modern with something either completely identical to the films, or just inspired by it in some way, maybe taking elements from both major previous designs too, as a way to unify the fanbase somewhat, like having limbs and spikes, the general anatomy, not be too tall and long, while keeping things like the green eyes, something like that.

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Tails is the girl, though.

Makes it worse he's probably a Melcuck, they excude nothing but unending, sneering, unearned arrogance. Imagine unironically thinking what he did to Sonic was a good idea.

I never watched the original


"look how smart I am" the game

>he look like mario in the future

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This guy ended up making a game that was basically this but without the Sonic license, not even memorable in any way

but of course, the design is so fucking generic soulless indie game shit