Took 160 hours to platinum this game

>took 160 hours to platinum this game
Yeah I don't think I'm ever doing that again, holy shit.

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0 took me about that long too. All the others so far have taken less and less time, and I've already platinumed up to Yakuza 3, which was about 60-70 hours.

Movie shit.

You aren't meant to do it all. It's designed so you can get rewarded no matter what you do. Legit after 10 hours you should be fine to beat everything in the game.

>platinuming games/caring about achievements


Nigga u bad at games, i took my time and even fucked around in the minigames more than i shoud've

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>Yakuza 0
shit sux

Niggas, you bad at enjoying things.
160 hours of pure fun and I didn't even look at achievements.

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Outside of 7 (and I'd argue even that can be done it'll just make some bosses a bit more annoying) you can clear every game's main story by just rushing every story mission. You get enough EXP/stats to do that just fine. I do it every time to unlock the hardest difficulty so I can NG into a fresh save into that difficulty.
You'll only really run into issues in Ishin for picture related's fight and for the final gauntlet + boss in FotNS. FotNS even with an inventory full of food took me like three hours of attempts due to the flamethrower guys.

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I've played through Yakuza 0 through 6 so far and the one thing I regret is I just don't have the time to 100% them. Some of this shit is monotonous sure, such as eat every recipe at every restaurant but then they have shit like completing every side mission to unlock what is a continuing story arc for each game, fighting the Amon clan, which are the most challenging fights in the game. I hear those particular sidestories are some of the most rewarding in the game. There's always a handful of bullshit sidestories I can't be fucked with so I never have gotten to the Amon clan.

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based fun enjoyer

>I hear those particular sidestories are some of the most rewarding in the game.
Don't put them up on a pedestal, most of the normal substories to get to them are far better and as fights they're all over the place in quality though most are definitely good. K1's for example is an awful Amon that you either Tiger Drop or spend like 30 minutes dealing chip damage to while he can stunlock you if you make a mistake, Dead Souls' can one-shot you and force you to redo a 30 or 40 floor randomized dungeon (I forgot which) which takes over an hour if he shoots you in the 30 second-ish timeframe it takes for him to actually unlock his fight, Ishin's is a damage sponge who can only be damaged by Tiger Drops while killing you in four normal slashes, and FotNS's can one-shot you in his last phase because his attacks bypass your guard.

4 and 5's are the only ones that are fun in terms of story because there's banter and callbacks. 3's goes into how pissed Jo is at Kiryu. Dead Souls has a pretty fun explanation on why you fight that specific Amon but the journey to him is an absolute pain. Judgment and Lost Judgment's are funny. 7's is mainly only good because Kiryu appears.

You only need to do Sodachi and Saigo's substories in 6 if you want to fight Amon there to see what he's about.

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All substories varies a ton from game to game in terms of time investment. I think I bothered in 5, 2, K1 and half of 0(kiryu's). Normally I just can't be assed to do hostess shit and 0 was especially bad with majima being forced to play his minigame between every practice date.

3 is the only other good yakuza game, near perfect if you reduce the hostess side stories by 2/3

Now try with 5.

>100%ing a game on steam

Why? leave that shit to retarded console players

Some games are fun to complete, you get to try all the content and try different playstyles.
I didn't 100%ed Doom (2016) but i enjoyed way more my 2nd and 3rd playtrough because my completionism autismo forced me to max out gun modes i didn't used before and i had a blast

do you get something out of it? Other than "show everyone that i did"

kiwami 2 or ps2 original?

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Not him, but I played Code Vein like that.
There are many classes you unlock and if you level up a class to max, you can use some of its skills in other classes.
It felt like a waste to use an already maxed out class, so I would swap to another every time one was mastered.
It was fun, because otherwise I wouldn't use some weapons and playstyles, while normally I would stick with my favourite.

If you played 0 then K2 has stuff to close out 0 for you.
If you didn't then 2.
Regardless of your choices try the other down the line because it's not the same experience.

Yeah, leave actually playing games to consolebros. pcfags are too busy modding in easier difficulties and god modes to FromSoft games

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That's not what i meant, iirc some ps games give you some extra icons and a super trophy or something like that.

So I don't need to be beating down every Mr. Shakedown I see?

>Took me 200 hours to do everything, not just the platinum
You better know I did the same with every other gem in the series

stop using this faggot ass buzzword

Steam doesn't do that. PS only does that on less than a handful of games and the vast majority of that handful are Sony exclusives.

After the first five times you beat a specific Shakedown, no. That's just for money. The first 10 fights on both Majima's and Kiryu's sides go through the story of both Shakedowns and bump up how much money they carry. Once they carry 1-2 billion you've hit the final cap. Shakedown is the best way to get money in the game and Real Estate/Sunshine are garbage for it.

Well, you asked if he got something out of it, so the answer is "fun". No idea if there were any achievements/trophies involved, either in-game or related to an online store.