Blender/Blender GAMEDEV

The cube is waiting for (You)

Attached: KYOOB.png (849x527, 110.53K)

Gimme a simple thing to model. No complicated texturing.

One time, I managed to make the Cube an EXTENDO Cube, but I got scared and had to close the program. I didn't want to mess up my Cube permanently.

Attached: fSV89.gif (360x240, 245.7K)

>open up Blender
>delete default cube
>save it as a new template at a startup
Jokes on you, faggot OP.

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a keyboard

geewun optimus

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What happened to the crazy guy trying to make a character for his silent hill clone or whatever it was?

Attached: s.jpg (716x710, 62.73K)


I'm making a game, but I also plan to learn 3d in the future.

Which one is more valuable if your goal is to immigrate to the first world, Having a finished game or having 1-2 years of self study experience with 3d?

Working on a game right now. It's kinda like Skyrim but sci-fi with Quake combat and a setting similar to Fifth Element. I think fifteen million should cover 3D expenses.

finished game, 1 year studying blender for 3 hours every single day is only around 1000 hours, that's fuck all

I didn't even make a full unity-ready game character model (rigged, textured, blendshapes etc) until around 600 hours

A candle

i made this model and render over the course of a day. im fully aware what an autism magnet geno is but i think it came out pretty cool, i like his design.

Attached: aiming.png (1527x1815, 1.43M)

I started making this but lost motivation, go on without me bros.

That is cool. Looks like a old Nintendo power cover for a game that never existed.

glad ya like it, rendering the stars was the hardest part, tried a new lighting setup this time too

Does Blender have motion cap or smth?
I wanna get into animating characters dancing.

What to do after donut?

Attached: 1633443077154.gif (500x295, 698.69K)

An eclair.

every other hole

cup of coffee, anvil

Fuck man is anyone ever going to make something easier than blender. Im way too dumb to figure it out.