This is why people don't play fighting games

This is why people don't play fighting games.

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I don't play them because they're boring

All this shows me is that fighting games are for autistic men.

>Twitch link
Nobody cares what a Twitch watcher thinks. You don't even play video games.

>This is the fanbase behind Strive

Twitch streamed the top 8 for CEO

wha the fuck is trans rights?

What does trans rights and the supreme court have to do with Strive being a subpar guilty gear entry?

this grown man is making everyone in the venue a participant in his fetish

what happened to blacks, anons? I thought they hated fags.

>they're boring
Boring because you're godlike and just win on auto-pilot, or bored because you can't take a single W and refuse to put in the time to git gud?

They gotta say such things otherwise they won't be invited to be commentators anymore.
Deep down they are cringing.

the western anime fgc is so fucking cringe. I actually miss when it was smelly autists and pedos over this

>Deep down they are cringing
does not apply to ultra jew

alright then they're sellouts and are supporting tranny bullshit even if it makes them cringe.


Pretty much, yeah. Everybody is doing it nowadays just to get a pat on the back for being a good boy. It was never about supporting them in the first place.

sonicfoxx opened the floodgates for this shit

>I only play the CPU and have no friends to play against

what's really stupid is how that's nothing new, people doing something because everyone else is doing it, but it used to work the opposite way ie: people didn't tolerate faggotry at least because everyone else didn't either. but now with corporations and the internet astroturfing their ideas, they have that behavior under almost complete control.

>buck broken

Exactly. But's a new trend and it will die off eventually.

Boring because once you understand the characters all that's left is memorizing combos and grinding out minute skill improvements that don't actually benefit you in any way

thought you were gonna link the max clip...

at least he didn't make mortal kombat more popular, shit series

So, boring because you couldn't take home those W's? I feel sorry for ya, kid.

>grandstanding at a ceremony
I didn't even wait to hear what was said, since they were no doubt being a fag

holy cope dude

I'm not ,

And when did this happen? With 11? X? For MK9 was the last good MK game.