I don't understand why Vampire Survivors is so popular? You just walk around and the game plays itself for you...

I don't understand why Vampire Survivors is so popular? You just walk around and the game plays itself for you. There's hardly any interaction. And then when you die you have to start again from the beginning. It's practically an idle game and there's no real sense of progress. I don't see the appeal.

Attached: vampire-saviors-button-01-1643786841675.jpg (2000x2000, 252.41K)

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Answer the fucking question.


holocure is better and also free

idle games are popular too you know

>I don't understand why Vampire Survivors is so popular?
They just made a mobile game but for PC
>it's practically an idle game
That's exactly what it is

It's a game to play while you're watching TV, no one plays it by itself. It's like Assassin's Creed or turn based games. It exists to fill in the mental processing space left over by a show or movie, and it does that job well.

Because streamers played it and most people who watch them are braindead fucks. If you want a good version of it play 20 mins til dawn


The point is to get garlic and win the game.

>This is kino for zoomers
>Arcade games are shit to them too

>I don't understand why Vampire Survivors is so popular?
Risk of rain with no map

You mean lancet and upgraded holy water.

It's $3 and harkens back to that era of mindlessly simple Flash games we all played and enjoyed.

>no one plays it by itself
It's been a fucking fantastic podcast listening game here.

Basically it's a lot of gratification and flashing effects everywhere for a minimal amount of skill. And then a few minutes in you barely have to do anything in order to beat it. Absolute casual zoomercore.
Still kind of fun to unlock things every so often though.
And amusingly enough it's also considerably better because it requires far more from the player.

It's a popular style/genre these days. I haven't gotten into one but I get it.

Nah garlic is great for early/mid game as it pushes back everything and provides coverage from every angle.

it's easy so I just do a run or two when there's an update. And it's cheap.
Good whenever I don't feel like playing anything more involved and just want to pass the time

I think I'll just play 20 minutes till dawn instead

Isn't it called 10 Minutes Till Dawn?

It's popular because it's popular. If someone big streams your games 100 smaller channels will start doing it because they're apeing the big channels for views. Then everyone is doing it.

That's the demo version the full game is called 20 minutes till dawn

Garlic is fine until you have 50%+ of the passive upgrades, then it starts being a waste of a weapon slot.

Nah, 10 minutes was the demo.

falls off way too fast. bible is way more consistently strong as long as you grab a couple spellbinders early to keep uptime high, and the evolution is S tier.

>I don't understand why Vampire Survivors is so popular? You just walk around and the game plays itself for you. There's hardly any interaction.

Sounds like you answered your own question. Large amounts of people tend to like mindless fun that's easy to get into. Do you not remember when this board was obsessed with Cookie Clicker?

- long treadmill to grind
- reduced control complexity means it's perfect for zoomers and vtubers
- difficulty comes in the form of knowledge and grinding
i think there are three types of gameplay progression in game design: Grinding, Knowledge, Skill.
Vampire survivors would not be successful without the grind or without the builds. It's considered a casual game because the skill factor only matters as much as you want it to matter.

Mumei is playing it right now.