The best mainline SMT title?

>The best mainline SMT title?
>That's gotta be SMT IV of cour-

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just save

>nooooo I don't wanna take a walk!
Grow up. I didn't even realize you could use play coins to revive.

Imagine being such a fat fuck you can't even gather 10 coins by walking
Git gud scrub

It's the other way around, idiot. Getting 10 playcoins it's like a trip from bedroom to kitchen.
The fact that you could get revived that cheap trivializes the whole game. IV/A are the most casual SMT titles.

even if you're too fat to walk you can still just close the 3ds and shake it like a retard for a few minutes

just don't take the revive then

That's like saying "just don't fuse new demons ever" to people who complain about Persona being too easy.

reviving is gay, i wish i could disable that shit, IV:A is short but IV took so long that i would just reset the game.

But playing with Door/Yu/Joker's "canon" persona the whole game and treating him like anyone else is pretty fun. The game still isn't hard, but at least it's slightly more interesting.

I like Deep Strange Journey

The game is designed around it, though. It's why there's no defence stat and why the player can get oneshot by a random crit throughout the entire game.

>put 3ds in backpack
>go to work in motorcycle
>300 coins in 3 days
wow so hard

Yes, exactly. It wasn't hard at all.

Strange Journey Redux is better

just hack them in, i remember jksm having one
i enjoy walking but there's not much of a reason to take my 3ds outside, it's not like anyone still has theirs in a bag now. would be fun if that were the case

You can literally hack playcoins in. its one of the easiest things to do.

That's not what I'm getting at. It's that playcoin reviving outright breaks the game.

Every SMT has the potential for one shot crits
acquire proficiency.

Every other SMT has a defence stat to mitigate it

Only newfags say SMT 4(and later games) is the best game in the series because it's baby first SMT game

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Nobody levels defence

IV IS the best though
>t. played every mainline and most other SMTs

what i didnt even know play coin use was in smt iv lol

I did

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I guess it makes sense in SJ since you're basically just a vending machine

I wish Nintendo's neat gimmicks were actually used in a better way. 3DS had the 3D and play coins, but barely anything used either of them very well.
I do remember SMT 4's intro scene being really good 3D, I wonder if Nintendo paid them.

tell me how you never played nocturne on hard

I did though
Everything in STR until 40, then everything in AGI
Get good