Considering Taiwan is the country that makes the worlds consoles and PC parts, do they make any good games?

Considering Taiwan is the country that makes the worlds consoles and PC parts, do they make any good games?

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Nah, you're thinking of 2004 America.

Right now 95% of super conductors in phones, PCs and consoles come from Taiwan.

>who alien
uhh, racist much?

Cogmind and Detention

The only Taiwanese game I can remember is Aura Kingdom. A crappy nu-MMO full of p2w and grind. I played it briefly years ago with /vg/ in a pserver that removed the p2w shit and had a blast.

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This underrated gem, one of my all time favourite platformers in terms of mechanics. Actually I'm not sure of how Taiwanese it is, Subsino is a Taiwanese company but the staff in the credits all have Japanese names. There's not much info on the game in general.

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Nobeta is looking good


Considering you make 100% of the threads you've made, why can't you make good threads?


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Taiwan is part of China

nah not really, its a country full of engineers

So genetically are taiwanese people different to chinese people? Where do their races come from.

If Taiwan isn't a country then who governs it?

Ofc Taiwain is China. Unlike these subhuman communist rebels from the continent.

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wrong hemisphere sirs

Jannies really just don't give a shit today, huh?

Taiwanese are Chinese who didn't fall for the communism meme so went to an Island. China seethes about this fact because Taiwan is a wealthy nation while China is dirt poor.

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Nice try West Taiwan

you mean semiconductor?

you can say it should, but saying it is is just retarded

Yes, Taiwan is real China

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