What did Any Forums think of doom eternal?

What did Any Forums think of doom eternal?

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Wow, isn't that the badass LE DOOM SLAYA!?!? This is so epic and metal XD! le based dev god Hugo and his butt buddy le Marty want to EXPAND THE DOOM POWA FANTASY, uh, yayah!!! Shut up and take my money lmao :P THE DOOM SLAYA NOW HAS EXPOSED BICEPS OMGG!!!!!, I'm getting really horny!!!! Oh wow all wads are canon... wowow omg that means NUTS.WAD IS CANON OMG SO WACKY AND CUHHHRAZEH OMG DOOM SLAYA FIGHTING FOR AEONS OF TIME UHHHH MMMMM YESSSS THE ANCIENT DEMONS SAVED HIM UHHHH FEELS SO GOOD MMMM LORE EXPOSITION IM FEELIN REAL NICE!!!! MY PENIS HAS BEEN MEGASPHERED UHHHH *looks down at his shrivelled member and grabs it with a swipe from the side like an edgy DOOM SLAYUH cutscene* WOW, WHAT'S THIS?? HE STAYED IN HELL TO FIGHT THE DEMONS LIKE IN DOOM 64?!?!?! HOW BASED CAN ID GET?!! *starts stroking and making epic revenant AHHH meme noises* I-IS THAT A FLOATING QUESITON MARK AND EXTRA LIFE IN MY DOOM GAME, UH YYYYYYYESSSS!!!! *hand turns into a fucking mach 5 piston with iron man colors and a snoo decal* AHHHHHHH OH MY GOD HE IS AN ANCIENT WARRIOR AND LE ANCIENT CIVILIATION ALIENS LE ALIEN QUEEN AND VEGA ROAD TRIP THROUGH SPACE AAAHAAAHAHA IM COOOOOOMING AND CONSOOOOOMING REDDIT-TIER LOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!11111 *wipes cum on doomguy amiibo and strokes 3d printed crucible he made from an r/doom tutorial while waiting out his refractory period by dressing up as doomgirl and posting it for karma then getting hard again because he read an epic marty strapon tweet about how mick gordon is farting into a mic for the third time to score the epic kar en kukold dlc*

Boring and repetitive Jump&Run game with shooter elements and constant ammo-shortage for 12 yo kids.

Makes me lol every time

For me it's

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The devs did an interview where they talked about in Doom 2016 they were going to do a big lore dump right at the beginning of the game and they thought better of it because that's not what Doom is really about. They also told Mick Gordan to not use any electric guitar because it had been "done before". He convinced them otherwise.

Doom was a big success because they backtracked on these decisions. Only for them to not learn anything and make Doom Eternal a massive lore dump. Who the fuck cares about the lore in Doom? The original Doom the original ID team would make jokes about Doom guy avenging his pet rabbit. What's with all the aliens and chosen one shit? Portal to hell opens, kill demon. That's all Doom needs to be. Get to the gameplay fast that's what people want.

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Yeah, the gameplay is bretty good but the ebin deep lore fucking sucks. Yes, you can skip the cutscenes and not read the mountains upon mountains of lore tablets, but goddamn it's all so bad
>Urdak and the makyrs look like they lept out of a halo-ripoff
>Hayden is revealed to be an ancient alien angel
>le dewm slaya is the doomguy from the original games and 64 but not 3 for some reason
>that scientist lady schlicking off to the slaya in her audio recordings
>"He is...DOOM"
>satan is the actually god, but not really and is also the doomguy and has a giant mechsuit

Fucking christ what were they thinking.

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>chainsaws for magic ammo
>shoots epic Arachnotron™ weakpoint after lining up shot for 5 seconds while dashing side to side because pro Quake™ skills
>retarded door opening cutscene plays
>"Mhmm....rip and tear.. looks like the Hell Priest™ is nearby.. I will rip and tear because I am the ancient Doom Slaya™
>"Come on, Vega™"
>follows Skyrim™ compass
>Picks up 10 epic fanfiction-tier lore dumps about how badass the Slaya™ is on the way
>Door locks behind the Slaya™ and demons appear
>cacophony of retarded monster noises while the fart synth kicks into action
>chainsaws for magic ammo
>"Rip and tear" WUBWUBWUBBWAMBWAMDUUUUUNUUUUNUUHHHNHUHHH *Uses Flame Belch™ on a deliberately spawned group of Possessed™ and they become Staggered™, does a badass Heat Blast™ and Armor Shards™ fly into the Slaya™'s face*
>chainsaws for magic ammo
>switches weapons 75 times
>dashes aimlessly waiting for a Possessed™ to spawn
>chainsaws for magic ammo
>swings on monkey bars
>performs impse
>250 arena laps and 150 chainsaw uses later the Slaya™ is victorious
>Mhmm.. The Hell Priest™ is not here.. Better tell Samuel Hayden™ about this
>"Come on, Vega™"
>Walks two meters and Alien Queen™ appears in an epic cutscene
>"You will not defeat me, Slaya™, I am the Emperor of the Universe and you are nothing but a Usurper™, the Kar En Kuk™ Council of Elder Alien Space Sentinel Argent D' Nur™ has banished you from the alien kingdom and I will defeat you!"
>Cut to black and level ends before epic boss fight so player can process how epic this is and maybe make a Reddit™ post about it before carrying on

i didn't want to walk around in a stupid space ship and do stuff
i didn't want to swap weapons every nanosecond because of the ammo economy
i didn't want to do endless platforming shit
i just wanted to kill demons

Yeah, I liked the rest of the gameplay but the ammo shortage was shit, just bump the ammo count back to 2016 levels and bump up the reserves for the machine gun and chaingun and the problems solved

Can someone post the pasta for the dlcs?

Good game but I hope the next one doesn't have a "combat loop".

Shameless self-bump

epic like metadoom

how was this not supposed to make me want to play the game

Fun game

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>encounter starts
>better use the right weapon on this enemy
>oh gotta switch now because another one is in your sights
>this enemy will take a million years with that gun, better switch again!
>looks like you're out of ammo, find a squishy to chainsaw
>also you will never ever have enough chainsaw fuel to kill a bigger guy, better make sure there's a squishy around
>time to change guns again
>oops you picked the wrong gun, now you're out of ammo again, oh now you need to use that gun! better get more ammo!

I beat everything on UV except the main vanilla campaign because I kept dying at earlier levels having grown accustomed to unlocked toolset.

The only real problem with the game, but people refuse to accept it because they think its related to the shitposting discord raid.
Modding the game to give you double the max ammo makes the game so much more enjoyable

Good, but the best part of DOOM 2016 was the multiplayer which they removed. DOOM 2016 unironically has better multiplayer than Halo Infinite

OP here, I'll just post my two-cents

As far as cons go:
>upgrade/skill-tree/collect-a-thon faggotry is still here from 2016 but in some ways it's better (select which rune you want, more points than there are things to dump them into, etc) but in other ways it's worse (a fucking FUNDAMENTAL upgrade section for shit like faster weapon swapping, faster dash recharge, the "kill 30 cacodemons with x mod" challenges are still here and suck, but you can at least bypass half of them if you find all the upgrade tokens, which are another type of upgrade currency btw, etc)
>everything from the antarctica levels to the gore nest level is just as hard as the final levels because, half your gear either sucks or hasn't been unlocked yet, so you have this weird thing where the early bits are as hard as the final bits, but the middle is fairly normal
>when everything is finally unlocked, the only bad thing is the low ammo count, as much as people meme about it, the quickswap faggotry is not essential at all and the only thing that requires it the marauder speaking of which...
>marauders are shit I know how to kill it, and I know there are all these other flashy ways to kill it, but its only good in small doses, the gladiator was okay, and the dlc2 boss sucked ass, I also worry that other people will copy it, so now you have "traffic light enemies" In every other fps game
>there should be an option to disable the chainsaw and glory kill animations, ESPECIALLY THE CHAINSAW ANIMATIONS, Yes they're short but it would be nice to have the option.
>the laser sword should be an automatic attack like the chainsaw, it's supposed to be an emergency weapon that deletes an annoying demon, having to put away your weapon, and watch a two second animation while you're getting your ass handed to you is just stupid, especially since the hammer in dlc2 is an automatic. Speaking of emergency weapons...


I miss the map editor, don't know why they'd go to all the effort to add those cosmetics for Doom Eternal when theres nothing to do but the shitty battle mode

Yeah, battle mode is shit, it should be an optional mode and not the main selling point. What's player count to battlemode compared to single look like? 20/80?

That's what happens when you let redditors who think Doomguy is the coolest thing ever despite never having actually played Doom write your story.

No game has ever filtered Any Forums harder than this

Didn't play it. 2016 doom was good, but I felt kinda dirty playing it. Just brutally murdering animals.

>What did Any Forums think of doom eternal?
it was a spit on Doom fans face, everything made Doom what it's, is not present here:
1- big focus on the lore, which is the original games wasn't fan of.
2- cinematic cut scenes ripped off directly from Marvel movies,
3- funko dolls to cater to the modern "nerd" consumer culture.
4- soundtrack made by a random guy who never played a doom game in his life, even Doom 3 soundtrack sounds more like the original doom than Eternal.
5- the absences of level design which doom invented and popularized in the first place.

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The greatest fps game ever made.

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Easily the best FPS made in over a decade. The only issue is that chainsaw kills needed to be faster with the same rune that makes glory kills faster, along with that rune being a permanent upgrade instead of taking up 1/3 spaces.

Thanks for b8, anything to keep the thread running

>doesn't have a "combat loop".
That's fucking stupid and painfully wrong

>le dewm slaya is the doomguy from the original games and 64 but not 3 for some reason
it's kind of obvious why not