If I see any of you cocksuckers running this. I will hunt you. I WILL find you. And I will slit your fucking throat...

If I see any of you cocksuckers running this. I will hunt you. I WILL find you. And I will slit your fucking throat. Faggot.

Attached: DBD_Killer_Legion_only_0868f7f5e9[1].png (969x1161, 410.54K)

haha stabby knife go brrr

Nobody knows what that is, fuck off.


Attached: 2f39fd421a5ff1ceb2ab9f003f8cf39b79ac1bae.jpg (1029x1755, 160K)

I always win when someone chooses that son of a bitch.

Why would I play a game that punishes me for playing killer?

Is DBD worth coming back to?

honestly, fuck no

But I thought there was suppose to be some huge perk update and changes to killers to make them better?

Fuck no. I'm ready to delete it. Seen people in here crying about whiny killers, killers don't private message someone after a match. It's not only the PC players, it's PSN players as well.

Do good, get reported five times. Do bad or go AFK, and you'll get ten messages from the survivors that made it out. Imagine if battle royal/FPS players were like this.

Literally thought the same thing.

It seriously can't come soon enough. Survivors have way too much going for them

Man I've just started playing killer and I have never been so tilted. Every single lobby has some try hard Feng Mins flashlight spamming and camping pallets, it makes playing killer so unfun

What is it about this game that attracts the people who, throughout their lives, have been bullied and only just now can release their pent up anger?

The community is made up of mid women with Reddit accounts

the sooner you realize to ignore those types of survivors, the better your experience will be
they want you to chase them and waste your time
if you ignore them and focus on getting one or two of their teammates out of the game first, chasing them won't set you back as far
even better, they may be the type to follow you around while you're ignoring them, which is a completely useless effort on their part
gives you even more breathing room

The game also attracts all the degenerates and lgbt for some reason since it's a game about being killed so it make no sense.

>killers don't private message someone after a match
It's insane how consistently cancer DBD's playerbase is, and this is coming from someone that plays fucking fight games. You'd think it's hyperbole but I've stumbled on steam profiles with angry DBD comments just out in the wild.

It is fucking insane playing a game where both teams act like the other NEEDS to respect their version of the game's rules, and surviors chimp out harder than fucking League players.

>they may be the type to follow you around while you're ignoring them
Man this shit is so embarrassing when they do it. They're the same ones who won't leave the exit gates unless you watch them do it whilst they teabag

so true, these survivors are so predictable, pretend to pick up a down and they'll dead hard into you for the save. They also always try Cj techs which are fun to counter

I remember 5-6 years ago it wasn't like this. It had a sense of dread and discovery. Now it's just
>pick optimal build
>hope your teammates don't fuck up
>insult everyone
>repeat ad infinitum
It seems so pointless. And that comes from someone who loves doing playthrough after playthrough of Terraria.

Luckly there are other asymmetric games out now that aren't DBD.

For the sake of your sanity don't ever run Bond + Open Handed. It's one thing to die after a hard fought match, it's another when you see through the walls that 2 of the 4 survivors are practically working with the killer doing nothing useful and the 3rd guy just died because he was face camped. My sanity has plummeted because of this game