
This is Joe Pera
Do you ever sometimes feel
That you are an npc?
It's alright, sometimes I do too.
Sometimes sleep is thr best thing there is

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Love you, Joe.

Thanks, Joe.

i stopped watching AS before this show was a thing. i'm assuming it's one of the better AS shows in recent years

I wish I could feel like an NPC, just coast through life with my brain on auto-pilot and be generally oblivious of the world around me. I think too much and it makes me miserable.

It's the best thing AS have done in 10 years imo, but it's definitely run its course - no need for more seasons.

The segment of this about Stephen Hawking made me cry

Anyhow, I figured we could maybe explore some mildly interesting subjects, such as; How come people don't cheer after every firework? or perhaps through guided meditation to help visualize yourself as a grandparent, or whale. Anything that will help relax you into sleep and keep your mind off of the day worries that make you anxious, like; remembering to fill the ice cube trays and race relations. For example, I was thinking about this while shoveling earlier. When Steven Hawking cheated on his wife, she must have felt pretty sad. It was a terrible thing to do, and I dont want to defend him, But try thinking about it from his perspective for a moment. He spends all day thinking about the universe and how big it is. How our star, the sun, is just one of dozen of stars in the galaxy, which is just one of dozens of galaxies in the known universe. All set against handfuls and handfuls of time. If one guy cheats on his wife, whats the big deal? Thinking further down the same line of thought however; If were so tiny and insignificant, theory will define one person in the entire universe, who cares about you. Why would you want to disapoint them?

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I almost can't work out it hie is parody or enlightenment

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you're the only one who cares

pharisees slave nigger-cattle will swallow any old shit i see

I like to play the sims

And I mean EVERY time

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meds, and

I care, I now am aware Joe Pera is another Jack Black and understand how he get a spot on TV. Pure nepotism, jack

>Jack Black is a chosen
How do I unlearn this

We are all NPCs to each other if that makes it feel better

Why would it matter, lots of Jewish people are funny. Why shouldn't a group of people be allowed to be funny?

Dude reminds me of my old friends and people I used to skate with. Makes me depressed

meds and is the new netflix and chill