Why don't I enjoy video games anymore

why don't I enjoy video games anymore.

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how often are you retaded faggots going to make threads like this?

the illusion of wonder and hope that comes with youth has faded from your body and you are now left a walking husk whos only purpose now is to reproduce and pointlessly prolong the cycle of the idle happenstance we call humanity

someone tell me how in the fuck do I enjoy battlefield/cod now with all the stupid fucking cosmetics in my face


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How do you break free? Do I need to become a psychopath or something?

Feel free to stop making these threads every few hours or whatever it is fag.

Find your nearest kid and consume his blood

either that or you learn to find value and pleasure in simple things
as a child you must have seen something new like a vibrant coloured flower and had some feeling like awe or wonderment, you have to learn to seek feelings like that again. same with video games. what were the simple things you enjoyed in them as a child? it could be something as asinine as the sound a games makes when you scrolled through a menu being pelasing to you, or maybe a certain animation gave you a feeling of satisfaction
anything like that you have to consciously think of and create a web out of those small things

Play the old ones. Everyone bitches about the new ones being cash grabs when
1.) No one forces you to buy a reskin of the same damn game.
2.) The old ones still have servers.
If enough people just bought and played the old ones, it would tell companies that we do like the games, just not with predatory bullshit. Instead, everyone plays the newest one because everyone else is and no one wants to risk being left out.

>Do I need to become a psychopath or something?
Psychopaths are extremely empty, you won't feel any more joy from a videogame than you do now. Do what says

>Upvotes on Any Forums
what now

nu-Any Forums is just as shitty as reddit, it's easy to get the two confused

Fair point. This place has basically become where Redditors come to be a bit edgier

Because you're a depressed faggot
Find a new hobby or rope

Maybe because you're actually being called by something higher in life and the simulated challenge that video games bring you can't fill the void anymore because you subconsciously and spiritually recognize that it's just a fake thing. Contribute to yourself, your family, and the world as a whole and you will not only be fulfilled but video games will become fun again instead of a tired, old, time suck. Just don't fall into the same whole again.

Attached: dmc-dante.gif (640x480, 2.88M)

>you're actually being called by something higher in life
how do we figure out what

>Lucas Bedroom
This meme is so weird and foreign to me
Is it a twitter thing?

In an ideal world we would have much shorter lives. Childhood bliss->become a parent in your early teens-> raise your kids into your 20's-> get to see your grandchildren-> die by 30.

People are born with an ingrained aptitude. (Might be easier to think of it as a destiny?) Modern society does not let most people live up to their aptitude. This is the root of depression. In another life you might have been a king, but in this world you are just you. In your soul you feel depressed but your mind can not reason why.

because you are residing in Lucas' room