Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

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its underwater

Your character is a filthy and smelly n

Shit voice acting

guns got cut out at the last second because of a cuckold ceo

the world is too small for the levathian type creatures to live in it

lack of variety in underwater creatures, are you telling me that all of these giant monsters are vegan and eat le plants? there are literally almost no fish in the game for them to feed on, other than a few running around you

we should have more tools and materials to mine, you get really great euphoria when you mine your first diamond/ruby/other rare resources and crafting materials that i forgot about like lithum and the giant deposits

but the moment you get the prawn and the hook for it the game is on ez mode

you can collect resources without risking anything and you can kill anything if you are determined enough

the ending is half assed

should i go on?

the character is a chink or a nip, the second game has a female nigger as the main character

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>should i go on?

Minimal replayability, no randomness means you play it once and remember all the important keypoints already.

The fish in that picture have 4 eyes.

Fish only have 2 eyes.

Endgame is lame.
Should've random encounters

Single player
Mod is jank

I liked it a lot, user, and it is somehow still the only underwater game in the survival crafting genre but it's hardly flawless.

I didn't know what the fuck to do. I crash landed, then I swam around and collected shit and then what?

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Endgame is boring/tedious.
Warpers are the stupidest enemy and making a game where depth alone can kill you have enemies who can teleport you out of your vehicles was a retarded decision.

this is a you problem, obviously. Before long you should have a sense for what you can do.

The sequel

>where depth alone can kill you
was this ever a problem? i was swimming around np in all the areas late game. if you're getting warped and killed due to pressure, you were already too low for your progression anyway.

I'm interested in how Planet Crafter is going to turn out. It's basically Subnautica but above ground.

Didn't that come out last year?

it's early access, so still in development

Too scary

The lava area is going to fuck you regardless of your suit and when you're playing on Hardcore, having enemies who can warp you out of your prawn or seamoth straight into a 1-hit kill animation from a leviathan can fuck right off.

Hunger and thirst bars drop way too fucking fast.

The only way to hear the best music is to set my sub on fire.

I quit playing when i had to start using the sub. Underwater """combat""" is just no fun at all.

has anyone checked out breathedge? from the basic research i've done it looks like it is subnautica in space

is this game scary as fuck or am i just a pussy ass faggot

what combat? arent you supposed to run away from everything?

I read the reviews and it sounds like the gameplay can be fun but the characters are constantly talking in your ear and make stupid jokes. Hard pass.

Yes and that's annoying af to do.
It's not tense, it's not exciting, it's not fun.
Just annoying.

The last part of the game is a really shitty fetch quest and zero replayablility. Also you play as a gross mutt. Otherwise fantastic game.

Gotcha. I don't like them either, but was wondering what you were experiencing.

thats what I heard, that survival was too tedious, I wonder if they revamped the game or not

Is this game anything like Outer Wilds?

>and then what?
you uninstall and save yourself hours of boredom and collecting nonsense

Its another boring grinding for materials game.

On foot sections look like ass

It is. I acknowledge that I was too dumb to figure out what to do without any help or tutorials explaining it. But I also didn't care to look it up, inside or outside the game.

It wasn't for me. Shit game. 0/10

the game forces you to build the Cyclops to get the shield component for the escape rocket

I'm still pissed that I had to buckle and resort to a guide for the final scavenger hunt.

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Eh, I spent the first few hours putting around, realized I was missing an upgrade and then looked online to see that it would be in a random location, gave up on the game then. I'm not gonna float around aimlessly for hours looking for minute shit on the ocean floor, it's a lot less fun than it seems

there is some exploration and story discovery, but it's mostly survival crafting