Hello, Sega? This is Sony

Hello, Sega? This is Sony.

I am calling to apologise and to let you know I'm coming over to visit you.

For how long? Forever, I think.
Things are pretty bad at the moment.

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Isnt Sony posting record profits? I don't get it. Why do (obsessed) people like you feed these dumb, false narratives?

>false narratives
he doesnt know

Sure thing tendie

Xbox trannies on suicide watch

The PS5 is currently pretty fucking dead in the water. The only selling point consoles have against one another are exclusives, and the PS5's relevant exclusives can be counted on one hand. Like, pretty much all of its noteworthy exclusive library exists on PS4, and most people aren't on board with paying the price of a full game for a graphics and frame rate upgrade. I'm not sure what the fuck Sony is thinking here, but it's almost as bad as the fucking Vita.

20 million units sold in a post pandemic world. Still highly sought after.


Why did they even bother releasing the PS5 in 2020 when there still isny any games? Why didnt they just wait till 2022 and release a better machine?

And yet it still sells out. Funny how some uneducated retard like yourself isnt even in the sales field.

And yet almost no support. The game's been out for less than two years, which should be the exact window of time to really push for it with big exclusive releases, and there's fuck all. Slightly shinier PS4 releases do not a game library make.

Sure, it sold well on the back of its legacy and brand recognition, and later due to FOMO/inflated prices causing panic buys for every console people could get close to MSRP, but it's still an embarrassment the way it's being handled. You can look at the units sold and tell yourself it's a good console, but that won't make it less of a dusty brick.

It’s the same discord tendie troons who seethe uncontrollably against every game and franchise not on their bing bing tablet

>record profits
>has to engage in stock buybacks to avoid their shares imploding
Yeah. Those profits aren't as stable as you might think.

>20 million units sold in a post pandemic world.
scalping is a investment.

>PS5's relevant exclusives can be counted on one hand
More like two fingers. R&C Rift Apart even when I don't like it, and DeS remake if your pc sucks and you don't have PS3. Returnal is coming to PC according to leaks, and if you say Destruction AllStars is a platform seller I will ROFL all day.

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So why does it have the worst software attachment rate in the history of Playstation?

I almost counted Forbidden West, but it's on PS4 as well, so not even that.

>The PS5 is currently pretty fucking dead in the water.
this is your brain on Any Forums

I mean, feel free to prove me wrong. What's the exclusive library for the PS5 like? What exclusives are upcoming? What reasons are there to buy the console over its competitors?

>the ps5 is worth 2 Elden Rings, which totals to one Korok seed (BotW)
Very bad look

your intense wishful thinking isn't going to sink an entire corporations just because you dislike it, brainlet kun
snoy deserves to sink, and will not, deal with it


Nobody cares about sinking Sony you dumb cunt. I just want my console to give me a reason to actually turn it on once a year, and the PS5 is just not delivering because Sony keeps shitting the bed with it. As far as "being a console" is concerned, it's pretty much a failed fucking product, though I guess the joke's on me because they still have my money.