Why is Persona so gay (shit)?

Why is Persona so gay (shit)?

Attached: Demifiend.jpg (1200x1061, 459.25K)


Attached: trannybino.png (643x1034, 458.8K)

How can I, someone who is in a very loving relationship with the girl of his dreams, to whom I'm very loyal, enjoy a franchise like Persona where everything I see is waifu pandering and nothing else?

>Leaves out the blue haired tranny from SMT V

Peak masculinity

who would win in a 1vs1 situation smt mc or persona mc.
smt mc:
has demons in his party
persona mc:
can summon any persona.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

SMT MCs have bullshit power levels

the purseowner can only summon one demon while smt got a full party of them, at least let the purseowner have his friends with him but my bet will still be on the smt

why are smtbabbies so insecure?


Attached: Average SMT V thread.png (2159x1452, 887.66K)

Persona isn't the one where one of the main characters is running around in just a tight pair of shorts

Persona protags are technically stronger given the rule SMT protags have.
>Defeat the protag
>All of his demons retreats

does this still count as a 1vs1?
said, persona mc vs smt mc. i don't think he was talking about a full party.

Why are they sweating? Asian people don't have sweat glands

Reminder that TDE Demifiend is actually the weakest of the SMT protagonists

Persona characters seem faggy because they don’t fight with guns and swords like early SMTchads. The persona protagonists don’t have to do any of the combat themselves, they just rely on magical girl powers so they never break a nail

Eh, he's probably still stronger than the SMT1 guy and Tamaki

>left out Nanashi and Nahobino

In the context of power:
Nahobino > Nanashi > Aleph > Flynn > Demifiend > Kazuya > Tamaki

SMT MCs fight shit like literal god and satan, Persona MCs fight way weaker stuff like the representations of night or fog or an eldritch horror like nyarly. Some of them aren't even able to kill their gods like Nyx or Nyarly, they just fuck them up enough that they need to go away for a bit to recoup or get them weak enough so they can seal them away.