Game has multiple endings

>game has multiple endings

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But dark matter/energy doesn’t exist

What's stopping the second big bang from happening somewhere at this very moment?

Electric Universe Chads, we can't stop winning.

Proof that science is the work of Satan

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Us seeing it


my dad. he's very strong.

a big bang is just a super massive blackhole overflowing and suddenly having negative gravity


bbc posters


Isn't it pretty well accepted that constant expansion and slow, uneventful death and dispersion of the universe is what's most likely going to happen.

Me. I'm holding in the mother of all farts and once this baby rips say hello to universe 2.

If the universe is spatially infinite, it is happening. In fact an infinite amount of parallel big bangs are happening at all moments, they're just beyond the cosmological event horizon (ie. they're so far away that the space between us and them is expanding faster than the speed of light).

That's like saying the nazis didn't build a giant base in the shape of a swastika on the dark side of the moon and that they aren't flying UFOs from the moon to Antarctica while the US government records suspicious tic-tacs.
Fucking brainlet.

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Who cares my nigga, that shit is so far away that any sentient species will have killed themselves out of boredom long before

Stop posting this shitty fucking thread. It's been posted like a thousand times before

>game has one particular area that everyone disregards but it actually has one genuinely good part

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All of these fine fellows
And also user's dad

>Osiris: O Atum. What is this desert place into which I have come? It has no water, it has no air, its depth are unfathomable, it is black as the blackest night. I wander helplessly herein. One cannot live here in peace of heart, not may the longings of love be satisfied herein.
>Atum: You may live in peace of heart, I have provided illumination in place of water and air, and satisfaction and quiet in the place of bread and beer.
>Osiris: But shall I behold your face?
>Atum: I will not allow you to suffer.
>Osiris: But every other god has his place in the Boat of Millions of Years.
>Atum: Your place now belongs to your son Horus.
>Osiris: But, will he be allowed to dispatch the Great Ones?
>Atum: I have allowed him to dispatch the Great Ones, for he will inherit your throne on the Isle of fire.
>Osiris: How good would it be if one god could see another.
>Atum: My face will look upon your face.
>Osiris: But how long shall I live?
>Atum: You will live more than millions of years, an era of millions, but in the end I will destroy everything that I have created, the world will become again part of the Primeval Ocean, like the Abyss of waters in their original state. Then I will be what will remain, just I and Osiris, back when I knew no man and saw no god.
>How fair is that which I have done for Osiris, a fate different from that of all the other gods.
>I have given him the region of the dead while I have put his son Horus as heir upon his throne in the Isle of Fire, I have thus made his place for him in the Boat of Millions of Years, in that Horus remains on his throne to carry on his work.
>Osiris: But will the soul of Seth not be sent to the West-a fate different from that of all other gods?
>Atum: I shall hold his soul captive in the Boat of the Sun; such is my will. So that he will no longer terrorize the divine company.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>((("Dark Matter")))
Prove it, brainlet.
>"Ummmm, akshully, bcuz itz DUHRK METTIR we kent inderac-"
Prove it, brainlet.

>Game has an easter egg hidden in plain sight

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can you prove anything over the internet by yourself nigga wtf are you on about?
prove to me that sufrace tension exists
>posts a video
fake cgi
>posts wiki article
fake psyop
>just test it yourself
i did, its not real

>user read a wikipedia entry saying dark matter is unconfirmed
>now he consider himself an expert and demands to be treated as an equal by physicists

>Game has a feature that fucking breaks spacetime

Attached: blackhole.jpg (1920x1080, 631.82K)

>game has an unstoppable sniper enemy

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I remember an article about how when power went out in LA people started calling emergency services because they thought the milky way is a alienz n shiet. Cityfags are pathetic.

>stars are packed really close in the center of galaxies
>one day some binary star systems get too close to each other
>either by radiation or collision the stars blow up
>starts a chain reaction of every star in the center blowing up
>the galaxy just committed suicide by stellar nuclear explosion
>shockwave of deadly radiation travels outwards, killing everything living in its path
>races living on the outer rim won't know what's coming for another 50k years

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The dark universe theory is full of holes and changes every fucking week since actual competent scientists keep figuring out how shit actually works; reducing the amount of 'invisible' dark matter the universe 'needs to function' again and again.

It's the same pseudo-scientific explanation that relies on clout and amazement to win you over rather than evidence that every two-bit college professor loves to harp on and on about. Remember when tons of acclaimed scientists though that HUMAN COGNITION could somehow affect CAUSALITY? These romantic retards actually thought that superposition collapse occurred as a result of conscious observation.

I took up astrophotography last year and fucking hell a bortle 1 site has become my white whale. It's absolutely retarded how far out of a drive it would be to get to one.

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There are black holes in the centers of galaxies retard

>game adds online features

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what does the black hole have to do with all the stars around it?

can't it be done from the bottom of a well or something similar?

I hate this photo so fucking much.

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fact is, there is something around galaxies, that interacts gravitanioally, but in no other way we know of, and instead of following the usual disk shape around the supermassive galactical blackholes like normal matter do, this has to be distributed in a spherical matter
there is something there
maybe its not a "thing" but somethings off
the galaxy rotational speeds are all off because of this gravitaional effect
there are multiple theories of what it could be, but anything thats not "something new" just doesnt make sense, and should be conformable, like black dwarfs, or ultradense neutrino cloud

Most astronomers I know get pilots licenses because of this

>Game has an online chat system

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user, I've seem some seriously dumb shit posted on this site over the years and you'd think at this point I'd recognize a false flag when I saw one but goddamn.

That's the same galaxy, right? Fucking black holes.

>report bug
>devs claim it's a feature

Even if intelligent life is ridiculously rare, there would still be billions of civilizations out there. Millions in that picture alone.

Each civilization with its own fucking history and cultures and languages and natural beauty, and we will never see any of it.
Imagine how differently a civilization would evolve if, for example, they would start out on a lush moon orbiting a gas giant, or they'd have 4 moons or something. Imagine all the mythologies and stories.

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>wojakposters now unironically consider anti-intellectualism cool
Lost cause.