Hellpoint is 60% off, worth it if you like scifi/souls?

Hellpoint is 60% off, worth it if you like scifi/souls?

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It's jank but it's also the only souls-like to get the atmosphere and exploration aspects right.
The expansion is coming out in a few weeks so it might be better to wait for that.

atmosphere/exploration is most important to me. I was watching a video yesterday about the top 30 or so sci-fi horror films and it reminded me of how much I liked Event Horizon and i'm sure i read this was inspired by it

It has soul, its worth it.

The exploration would be better if every area didn't look the same, but oh well
I played split screen with my brother which makes any game good

The visual design makes it look Warframe af?

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they look like quite different takes on scifi imo

bloodborne in space; easily the best soul like

I liked it, it's got a surprising amount of attention to detail and a lot of depth and secrets to its world. The lore is pretty cool too and there's no woke shit. Definitely one of the better bargain bin souls clones.

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Obvious Bot is obvious

Fun for a couple hours then you reach the platforming sections and never touch that shit again. Not worth the time, jank as fuck too

>mental health
There's nothing healthy about becoming psychologically castrated and increasing your odds of prostate cancer to fit in with a bunch of agitprop bots.

It's literally the only soulshit clone ever made that is worth playing.

Nah The Surge 1 and 2 are also pretty good


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Those games are both absolute shit with nothing going for them outside of the aesthetics.


Just play modded fallen order

I liked it.
Science fantasy souls.

Just like this one lmfao. Kys shit tasted shill.

It's ok but it has some serious jank issues (for example, one of the bosses has an awful hitbox and is impossible to hit from behind with certain weapons because it extends like a cone) and the platforming/jumping gameplay is absolutely atrocious. Almost all of my deaths in the game were to falls.

The Surge 2 is okay-ish, but The Surge 1 is literal garbage.