MC makes an almost impossible comeback after being put rockbottom by the villian

>MC makes an almost impossible comeback after being put rockbottom by the villian
what games can give me this sensation

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>MC is a pedophile

Did he actually do it?

was he actually a pedophile or a """"""""""pedophile"""""""""""" (16 year old girls)

>smashfag drama
OP end your life so you can save some ozone layer for the rest of us.

I love relatable MCs.

being 19 and talking lewdly with a 15 year old

he's still a fag that hides off stage

he asked some under age girl to stuck ice in her asshole or something and he laughed about doujins with some underage japanese smash player. i dunno his defense was something like he's too retarded to do anything else because of his upbringing being touched by his uncle? older sibling? some shit like that.

Wasn't one of them 12?

holy based

he admitted to it

>MC is a pedophile

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Wasn't his "sexual abuse" that he showed a 16 year old a hentai image or something

No, his defense is
>girl lied about her age
>Jisu, the one being sued, is lying about him showing her hentai on a tv screen

>Fuck 17 year and 364 day old girl
>Be a pedophile

many such cases!

Jisu is a snake, I'm rooting for Zero even though I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell.

I will now play your game.

You may be thinking of a different smash person that had been doing something with a boy that young and basically grooming them until they finally realized they didn't want it

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>putting yourself online

Dumb NPCs lmao

If you're over 21 and still trying to fuck 17 year olds, you clearly are taking advantage in differences in mental age. By 24 I don't think I could date anyone under 21 either, it would just feel fucking weird

He was 19 and the girl he flirted with was 14. I can't see why this is a criminal offense personally. You aren't even fully matured until you're at least 21, older if you have mental issues.

It's totally normal to link your semi-anonymous internet accounts with your real life name and face. Get with the times, old man.


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Yeah isn’t she like a town bike or something? She use to date ibdw I think?

Crowdfunding defamation suit funds.

The information age, ladies and gentlemen!

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are you retarded? there's a massive maturity gap between the two. one's in highschool and the other should be in college.

>a 15 year old