This game has the courtesy of giving an encyclopedia that shows the drop rates for every mat and randoms still insist...

This game has the courtesy of giving an encyclopedia that shows the drop rates for every mat and randoms still insist on capturing every quest because of an urban legend that dates back to the first game.

Attached: monster-hunter-rise-switch-hero.jpg (1920x1080, 2.63M)

Or because capturing is faster

People are still sperging about this? It makes barely any difference other than saving time.

And saved time is more rolls on loot.
So cap.

Take your speedrun autism elsewhere, you're denying people carves when you do this shit

>finish the quest 30 seconds faster
>get half the rewards and lower chance of rares
You're losing time.

But you get extra capture rewards, not worth extra time for like 1 common item
If you want to kill it just solo

I kill every monster I hunt. It's good for the environment like free meat for the animals and shit

Attached: 1625458733173.png (706x1000, 1.14M)

Just solo lol

braindead take

Who else /killforslo-mocam/?

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Still ends up being less than carves, Worldbabies need to learn the new game they're in and stop assuming everything works like how it did in world

>urban legends
I like me monsties
I like me traps
Simple as

Your mat totals are lower from capture unless you get extremely lucky and you're denying extra rolls for uncommon and rares. It is a net loss in every way except for completion time for the one quest.

Anyone with a brain can see it is best to just get the quest done faster for talisman rolls+time saved. We've been through this the only people who push it still are people who want to kill it for flavor reasons.

It's up to the party leader, don't be a faggot otherwise

>time save
You are losing time each time you repeat the quest because your mat totals are failing behind more and more.

Or people grinding out its armor set/weapon and every carve contributes to one less extra hunt needed

Attached: 1655164840370.jpg (2056x1942, 292.71K)

>Get 10 things in 8 minutes or 9 things in 6 minutes

Unless it's literally the last hunt you're ever going to do you aure always going to need mats to meld and time/resource acquired is most efficient for cap

Not my friends who are new players and have been denied a lot of carves cause of speedrun fags like you. Had to reinstall to help and I just wanna wait for the expansion

>your mat totals are falling behind more and more
When a set needs a fuckton of cumulative monster mats when the core parts only need like one or two of the rare parts (seldom 3 or more) you are unironically better off just lucking and getting the items by happenstance. No amount of killing monsters will change that the material output of trapping is superior.

When do you actually start playing the game? I did some bullshit tutorial for 30mins and went to bed last night

Right about now I believe. You can just talk to any of the girls, I'd also advise eating sum dango


>getting 3 fewer rolls and worse rates for rares is actually better because you saved 30 seconds
captureNPC logic

You don't have felyne carver every time fuck off, you get 1 extra common item.

Your odds of obtaining a rare is still overall worse from capturing.

Yeah? 20% higher? No? Then cap is faster.

>not playing MH with your friends
isn't that the point of life?