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Man imagine the Switch getting a good animal crossing game

Styluses don't work on the type of touchscreen the Switch has.

playing wildworld like this would fucking suck

There are special ones. Super Mario Maker 2 came with one.

Yes it does, retard. It can use the same touch-mimicking styluses all smart phones can use. The stylus in the image is just such.

is this real? Seems too wonky to be real

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wouldn’t make more sense to out the gamecube one on there?

No it's not real you dunderhead

It could be really funny if this was real like the mobile version of Dragon Quest 8 that can only be played in portrait mode.

Hello Mr.Carmack, i am a big fan!

Wild world has less features than Amy other iteration though retard

would make more sense with a special joycon dock thing so you can put them on the top and bottom.

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sorry, I'm dumb

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not less than new horizons

What did you call me


It actually does. There's a youruber that compared every single game by core features and wild world ranked the worst out of all of them.

Nintendo hates us and loves watching us suffer. I bet they're on this thread laughing at us right now.

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But really, what are the chances they add AC for the Japanese NSO service and there's a revolt because there's no NA version

If Nintendo ever released a special touchscreen "tablet like" device with physical buttons for $50-100 to be able to play DS games on switch online, would you guys buy it? It would work as the ds bottom screen

Man I wish we got a normal animal crossing. The crafting shit is such cancer.

You just need a capacitive stylus instead of a plastic one. You can buy one for regular tablets