Use a universal launcher!

Use a universal launcher!

Attached: screen1.jpg (1707x960, 469.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Such as?

I already use steam


I just type the name in search bar and hit run, not a steamcuck so I don't worry about booting a launcher.


But I already do.

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>Tells others to use a universal launcher
>Doesn't even give the name of the one he just posted
OP is a faggot
The launcher is called Playnite, which you can get it here:

Attached: screen2.jpg (1707x960, 616.59K)

This. All my pirated games can be added to steam as shortcuts just fine.

neat, this will good launcher to use for games that are not on Steam

I just use Steam for the games I bought and Launchbox for my emulators

Attached: 136t23623523521451.png (1920x947, 2.33M)

Already do

Attached: recent2.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

>Use a launcher to run a launcher that also sometime launched another launcher within the said launcher

Attached: file.png (530x342, 281.38K)



Jason why

I have a folder on my desktop called games. It launches everything.

Im Dave, nice to meat you!


i don't play video games. Thanks anyway though

I do this and I don't even have to open the folder
I just press the windows key, type the first few words and press enter

I meant letters

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But i need to see my achievements

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Use double left click on the desktop icon you fucking faggot

Nah I prefer to launch shit after navigating some folders. Gonna swap to Linux soon and I hope there's a way to launch games from the terminal, the idea of pulling a super colorful game out of pure text just sounds cool.

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How do you configure controls on launchbox? I couldn't find the option of my emulators

>nice to meat you

it will open another launcher
just use steam

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I would if there was a good one. The positive aspect is most are open source so you can see how specifically shit they are, as opposed to Steam which is just garbage and you don't get to understand why
