What items disqualify me from having beaten the game?

What items disqualify me from having beaten the game?

Attached: 460636_IGDB-272x380.jpg (272x380, 33.8K)

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Controller, mouse and keyboard

Not using your fists only, naked, bl4 and on ng6+

Any weapon.

game is impossible to beat under any circumstance because it has regenerating health

>mouse and keyboard
never ever

Bolt / Fire paper
Beastblood pellet

You did NOT beat the game.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-20 204929.jpg (778x548, 94.55K)

Can't rally if you don't get hit, bro

Ludwigs Holy Blade

Sawcleaver. Beast blood pellets. Fire Paper. The ultimate crutch setup.

How long is the game and DLC?

5-5000 hours depending on how good you are

Using anything but pic related.

Attached: Logarius'_Wheel.jpg (408x407, 102.97K)

Bloodborne is everything wrong with modern action games.
>stubborn neo-symbolism
>post modern combat
>individualist pandering
>Schleiermacheresque antisociality
>triangle loops in tandem with bulletproof coffee equivalent feedback cycles
>Hegelian plagiarism
>Leviathan pseudo imagery
It's no wonder Any Forums loves it

you forgot

Saw Cleaver


Attached: whitebeard_.jpg (1920x1080, 373.63K)

If you at any point entered the Hunter's Dream before beating Mergo, you did not beat the game.



Attached: whitebeard.png (2048x1022, 1.65M)

even no hit runs don’t count because you have the assurance that you can get your health back should you happen to get hit