Now that HoN and HotS are dead

Now that HoN and HotS are dead...
Dota 2 vs League of Legends? Which game is better?

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dota is better but that's like comparing if you'd rather get a leg or an arm chopped off
t. 2k hours in both

well dota is dead and league isnt so theres ur answer

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Dota is objectively a much better game, that being said I still prefer league

Valve fucked up Dota (and every game franchise they have). Fucking stagnant jewpigs.

Dota 2 is the better game, but it's better to play League.


dota is better but holy fuck is it ugly on purpose?

Dota 2 is the game of the thinking white man

Don't mind me, just posting this old pic

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like dota more but it's dead

One has shortstacks and the other has bestiality.

>i like everything equally!
would have preferred bait or shitposts desu

My character is not drifting every time i move in league so there is that

Dota is objectively better in literally every way
Debate me

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It's "I'm good at everything while you are good at only one thing", retard


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HoN was such a good game. Mechanically the best moba thing we've gotten.

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Dota is better, but good luck convincing friends to play it. Also much harder to pick back up if you put it down but if youre a HoN player the transition should be much easier than switching to LoL