ITT games with this feel

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Only the initial episode was decent. And then there was only disappointment.

So I'll go with...Indigo Prophecy.

Games with the feel of having a gun pointed at you hmm

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if ergo proxy was to be adapted into a game then it would make for the prefect cyberpunk one with it's esthetic and ideas

Good pick user
Also Dead to Rights Retribution

The setting may be fairly different, but I think Control is similar in terms of cool action, psychological shit every now and then, and particularly atmosphere and the *feeling* of the setting, even if quite different.

Attached: control.jpg (800x800, 75.07K)

The police (?) robots in the city remind me of Binary Domain.

Also, if by chance you like SCP shit AND the original Max Payne, this game is an absolute must play.

>*Knock Knock*

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i kinda agree but if only i can have the world of Control with the gameplay of max payne non of that superpower shit

Let's see a somehow pseudo intellectual game set in a dystopian world with a slow paced plot which turns out to be a huge conspiracy where the main antagonist was pulling the strings for behind with an end of the world x rebirth ending. Yeah, there is no games like this.


No, games with this feel

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you asked for it, aren't you

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I like the superpowers, especially with all the destruction physics and debris flying around

But I hate the inventory management, it's like they include these utterly stupid flow-breaking weapon upgrade mechanics just to justify some designer's job or whatever

What matters is that you're able to identify all the pretentiousness so you can feel even more superior than your perception of how the fans themselves feel.

You can beat Control without getting the super powers, it's designed that way on purpose, it's just a lot more difficult.

game is fucking dogshit

What a horribly abysmal suggestion. Doesn't match op in the slightest and is a completely generic shitty game.

It will never be finished

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Twilight Princess, unironically