How do you feel when you own nothing?

How do you feel when you own nothing?

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The same way PC users feel when Microsoft owns their PCs.

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I fucking hate it so fucking much and I hate Micropozzed for introducing yet another cancerous practice to the industry.

What? I see it as renting access to a bunch of games I want to play for a bit but don't consider worth buying. Fuck them for making you pay for online tho.

>pirate all games on the service
>disable all windows updates permanently

I think I'll be just fine.

>wahhhhh i want to own things ;_;
stfu commie poorfag, the means of productions will never be yours and you will be happu

Happy, like the WEF said I would be.

this i guess. not that i'd ever play online anyway but ps3 was nice system. free online to test those shitty tagged on online shit for few minutes if bored and if you wanted to rent random games then you could pay extra for that and whatever else it gave it to you

What's the problem with these gamepasses? Genuine question.

No problem with them now until they inevitably become the standard just like paid online.

As in you can't buy games separately or games become exclusive to gamepasses? I see your point if that's the case. Is there a good chance they'll do that shit?

Yo was looking to see if July's PS Plus games were announced yet and saw this article that said games have an expiration date. For example, the big one is Red Dead 2 which is gone from the service on the 20th of September. I guess it makes sense since Netflix and shit do this too but yeah making me not like this gamepass shit.

The fear is that in 20 years you won't have the licenses to these games anymore or have to pay out the nose to maintain them.
Realistically you would just drop the sub and not care. I have plenty of games from 20 years ago and I rarely ever care enough to dust their console off and play them again. Playing on newer hardware is just a more comfortable experience

And when it comes to the principal of whether you own something or not, who the fuck even reads the EULA? Even if you "own" a disk there are probably ones that will say "you aren't allowed to use this disk anymore" after 2030 or they have the right to remove the license from your steam account or something. Not that it will be enforced, but the point is you already didn't own shit it is only the distribution platform that got changed.

The way I see it, even if you can still buy games separately, subscription based model becoming the standard is gonna have a negative effect on quality of games. We are just not there yet.
Games designed around subscription model will prioritize engagement and player retention over everything else.

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So only ps5 users can buy ps1 games separate and ps4 users are fucked?


That's referring to games on the rotating catalogue for Extra and Premium, it works like gamepass and shit.
The base 3 games every month are still going to stay as long as your sub is active but you will miss them if you don't download them on that month. Same as it was before.

>The fear is that in 20 years you won't have the licenses to these games anymore or have to pay out the nose to maintain them.
Yeah I'm starting to understand the hate now. I guess I never thought about it much especially since I'm only subscribing for a couple months to play some games.

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too much money involved to do it that way imo. better performing games sell millions of copies at full price. it'll eventually all go to full on streaming in 15-20 years or something i'd say rather than solely for "gamepasses".
well fuck it at that point we all might have some vr brain implants and more "normal video games" don't exist anymore.
anyway not really my problem. video games are just occasional past time for me. can always think of something else to do if X thing isn't for me. they could just stop producing video games all together tomorrow and it really wouldn't affect my life.
just saying that sure i like when new good game comes out and i've my fun but fun can be found from million other places. i'm sure even if you're only purpose in life is playing video games which i hope isn't the case, you could still find something else to do. would take some time to adjust but people are extremely good at adjusting

I would of thought these a holes would of put some work into their game collection but honestly it's all the old ps now trash and another feature pack like you get for having a ps5. And 2 hour gameplay trails? TWO HOURS? What a fucking joke.

You should not be playing games after 20 years.