Vidya suits thread

Vidya suits thread

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You will never be the new vidya butts.

big boobs are for stupid people. they are attached to stupid people and enjoyed exclusively by stupid people who dont understand nuance

ok homo

yes yes you are le man of taste that enjoys nigger asses we know
we all read prison school or maybe you saw only a page of it on your tumblr feed
what a unique opinion you hold

what red flags

On behalf of all boys who were nursed by real women with big breasts to grow up into real men: I am truly sorry for your loss, manlet.
You will never be a real man, your calcium intake in your formative years was simply too low... HOWEVER you do not need to pretend to be gay. You have one advantage that all men lack: you can play "mummah gib milkies" until your death by milk overflow.
You might not ever grow, but you are so close to the joys of a newborn being fed for the first time.

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an actual YWNBAW character

What are her red flags? I'm so lonely I'm willing to stick in my dick in anything.

why do (((they))) hate boobs and shill asses so much

slightly insane

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Well if it's only slightly

what’s the appeal of insane or crazy women?

Psychopathic Sado-masochist expert spy who wants to be a real girl (tm) no matter the cost. This involves betraying you so she can try to become human and experience things. Enjoys torture.

all hot women are crazy, it's the ultimate challenge. If you can weather the storm and avoid getting murdered, then you'll have perfect wife material

>wants to be a real girl (tm)
What is it currently?

T-doll, the girls In girls Frontline are combat androids

Most likely fully functional but doesn't feel things rhe same way and no reproduction

>no reproduction
She gets better and better the more I hear about her.

that’s all fine until she chops your balls off for shits and giggles

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that's my fetish

She probably wouldn't torture protagonist.


she needs your balls to be intact so you can give her a healthy baby. That's why she wanted to become human after all.

pick one to protect you, the rest will try to kill you

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Rpk16 protect because she's the scariest in terms of capability and gameplay ability

kys jew