Hello, my name is Joe Pera

Hello, my name is Joe Pera
Do you ever feel
Like you're an NPC?

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What kind of games would he play? Stardew Valley is a given of course

Train sims. He would recreate real places.

He is in to Dragon Ball Z I think. Maybe one of those games? Doesn't seem like something he'd play though. Maybe those point and click adventure games?

There is nothing quite like a good game of the Sims

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Any games where you can build a chair?


Technically we're all NPCs considering that free will doesn't exist.

viscera cleanup detail

While it's hard for us to prevent disasters like this from happening
We can at least show up afterwards to help clean up

Says who? Who says free will doesn't exist?


Says logically thinking about it. You don't need anyone to tell you it doesn't to realize that it doesn't.

generally speaking you can show logic

Is it gay for two dudes to watch this show while sipping bourbon every Friday?

If you cannot predict what your next thought will be, you are not the one generating them. If you are not the one generating them, you're not in control of your mind and ultimately not in control of what you will do next.

define “you”

There is no you in the classical sense, but if there is no you in the classical sense then there is no freedom of will in the classical sense either.

user, look at me. If we don't sell your fucking game idea today, I'm gonna punch you as hard as I can in the head.

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Connor O'Malley is based
Fuck Greg Kinnear

Joe Pera, Connor O' Malley, Nathan Fielder and John Wilson are the new masters of comedy and this is fact

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I know of all of them except for John Wilson, who's that?

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>Joe Pera gives you a tour of his digital recreation of Bailey Yard
Heck, I'd watch it

Open TTD. Maybe Rollercoaster tycoon if he's feeling dangerous.