Baten Kaitos

Aka the most underrated 6th gen gem

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True Mirror is still on my car playlist.

I wonder if something will be done for the 20th anniversary. Bandai Namco has been on a remaster spree, Monolith are not closed to the idea of going back to it...

hey I'm playing this game right now.

Shit combat, good everything else. If only it had a more traditional turn based system instead of card garbage.

I get filtered terribly by deckbuilding/this game's combat in general, which is why I never made it very far on repeated attempts. I think if it weren't for that I'd be able to get into it quite easily

I thought everything about this game was shit except for the card combat. That was the only thig that set it apart from the rest.

yea I'm feeling that. I've gotten farther than I ever have, but I still feel like I'm just skirting thru. I feel like I want to enjoy the card system but I don't think I am.

just this last weekend I played thru Lost Kingdoms and the cars system in that game is incredible.

what was it with the gamecube and these third party card battle system exclusives? Baten Kaitos 1 and 2, Lost Kingdoms 1 and 2, phantasy star Online ep 3.

>Splendid Hair magnus

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The card combat sucks for the first few hours, but once you start getting a decent range of cards and can start doing real combos it's actually pretty great

>It has cards that means it's automatically bad!
Getting tired of this mentality. You'll barely notice the card system when you build right. And with high enough synergy it literally stacks the deck for you and gives you stuff like Guardian spirit attacks.



It was called making games with a passion.
Modern gaming is a soulless husk of what it used to be.

>fuck i really could use x card right now
>add one in the deck

>fuck I keep discarding y card
>remove from deck

it was released in 2003 but insisted on prerendered environments

and it looks gorgeous because of it

yeah, they let the Gamecube's power go towards other stuff instead, I get it. I just wish it had the same development and effort that was put into Crystal Chronicles

Man, does this ever bring back memories.
>Be me
>we go to family video
>one of the only places around that had these JRPGs; couldn't get them at shartmart or anywhere else
>I can still remember the smells, and the fragrance of the plastic boxes that they put the discs in
>my mother and father take me their at the end of every school week
>I rent a game two or three days
>We return it on Monday
>Every time we go there, I pray to whatever god is listening that it's there and I can continue from where I left off
>mfw this is bringing back memories of my stepfather who died at work
>mfw I'll never have those kinds of moments again
>mfw my local video renting place shut down after they could only get by because they were selling CBD, candy and pop.

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there*, jesus christ I'm tired as fuck.

>they let the Gamecube's power go towards other stuff
its pretty clear it was a design choice. the gc could render 3d backgrounds easy

I think it was because the handrawn backgrounds looked better for the various styles. I mean could you imagine the GC trying to render the weird areas in Mira? There's no way the Clay village would look even a tenth as good.

oh bro don't get me wrong. I love those games I listed. Baten Kaitos so far is the only one of those that I'm having a bit of trouble with. but I'm keen to continue with it.
I loved Lost Kingdoms, and I played episode 3 when it was out. my GameCube has the broadband adapter slotted in since that game came out.
like many of us here, I agree that the loss of soul and passion from modern games is a travesty and it's sad to think the best games have all already been made.