

Attached: 1634278146292.jpg (1080x1308, 129.97K)

Didn't laugh
but I did smile


go to reddit for braindead vidya memes, we just argue and reminisce here.

Everything about nudoom is so fake.

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Superior use of that image

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low test cringe

gets me every fucking time

The guy who invented it is still alive though...

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t. high-octane gay

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Nudoom will eventually sneak in microtransactions and the fanbase will go to the greatest lengths ever seen in defending them.

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Whoever this artist he makes some 10/10 stuff for may and dawn

Normie meme but got a chuckle out of me.

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I lol'd irl what now homo

I thought we liked capitalism?

> pregnant in demon group
Why are you gay?

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it would be better without the bottom picture's text

0/10 would cringe again

the fact that americans call sex without fetishes or degenerate shit Vanilla is so weird, I mean they had to came up with another word to describe sex

contrarian vanilla fag

I love grandma. I'm going to miss her so much when she goes...

"Vanilla" just means "without added weird shit". It's not another word for sex, it describes a very specific kind.

It’s mean plain and ordinary niggers

Israel should be the body that all the heads come out of.

>tfw gone full circle and find these normalfag meme templates hilarious again


Why do you think Americans specifically invented the term? Are you really THAT obsessed with us? Anyway, Vanilla sounds better than "normal" or "regular."

When black people have sex together do they call it coco?

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Are you, perchance, an American? Your pedestrian understanding of economic systems betrays your lacklustre education and evidently room temperature IQ.

>shad in the distance walking away

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