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sorry walt... but I want to see all of the game's content

>miss out on ring
>miss out on armor set

>Yurt in DeS
>Lautrec in DaS
>Murder hobo in BB
I fell for it every single time.

>Choosing to effectively have only one flexible ring slot.

Well I've never not helped an NPC in need before.

he gets out anyway, might as well get a sunlight medal for it.

For the best ring in the game? Yeah


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You're the smartest guy I ever met
and you're too stupid to see
I let him out of the cell 10 minutes ago

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>sif gifs

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dangerously based

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The FaP ring is the best ring in the entire game so it doesn't matter dumbass.

Should I watch this show? As well as Better Call Saul? They're not pozzed like most modern entertainment now is, yes?

Were there ever any resistance builds in the game?

Why would I ignore Lautrec? He is literally Yurt again and I loved that guy.

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Kill yourself, you fucking waste of oxygen NPC. Make up your own opinions. Fucking robot

watch breaking bad, better call saul is better, but you have to watch breaking bad first

Better Call Saul very recently had two relatively back-to-back episodes that had the main character pretending to be Jewish as part of one of his schemes. And then another episode made fun of Native Americans gambling at the casino.

Better Call Saul is about to enter its last few episodes, its the best show on right now. High kino

>>Murder hobo
He was literally eating corpses when you met him. What did you think he was going to do?

Not pozzed in the slightest. Probably why they're actually good.

Fags that use pozzed unironically need to die.

for some reason they're allowed to be good and other shows aren't.

hmm kinda pozzed cringel

BCS is the equivalent of a game that only gets good 100 hours in

>Yo Mr. White check out this sick sword I got from killing that bitchass dragon on the bridge. He ain't gonna be shooting fire at me anymore.

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Both are genuinely some of the best TV shows ever.

I 100% agree. But at the same time its a game where its even better on repeat playthroughs and you still notice things you never did before

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Resistance is a worthless stat, it was so worthless that it wasn't even counted as a stat when calculating your base soul level.

Jesse...listen to me. Please tell me you didn't cheese the Drake with arrows... If you don't git gud Gus will invade you on his SL1 darkwraith

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True, you need to see BB to understand all the le epic references and unnecessary, uninteresting storylines no one was even mildly curious about to begin with.