What game best captures the spirit of the work of the greatest author of the 20th century, Yukio Mishima?

What game best captures the spirit of the work of the greatest author of the 20th century, Yukio Mishima?

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>5'3 homo butthurt over losing the war becomes a laughing stock after a failed coup and fails to even kill himself
What a pathetic excuse of a human this being was.

>fails to even kill himself
Uhhh I'm pretty sure he killed himself user.

and what, pray tell, have (You) accomplished in the span of your own singular and precious life, user? what have you created of any value to this world?

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The perfect writer ideal. Say what you have to say and make coup.

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He was retarded if he had stormed the japanese capitol building he could have overthrown the government

>Gay retard
The game of your life

He wasn’t trying to carry out an actual coup you mongrels. It was clearly a staged, spectacular suicide with both political and poetical aspects, as he’d been foreshadowing in his work for years.

Probably Sekiro or Tenchu, desu.

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Metal Gear Solid PW

It’s funny that even his novels have become a favorite among machismo-minded fans considering he wrote mostly romance novels for women’s periodicals. I wonder if he would still be niche if pewdiepie never mentioned him.

>greatest author of the 20th century
OP you posted the wrong fag

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Are you implying he only became popular after the video? Surely not right?

never underestimate the retardation of zoomers and users of this website

I’m old enough and enough of a book nerd to know that in certain circles his popularity did skyrocket after that, yes.

>doing something for selfish theatrics instead of something that might get results
Am I supposed to like this faggot?


You're a fucking idiot, the only "circle" in which his popularity skyrocketed was the retard children and early 20 somethings that watch Pewdiepie.

Why do right wingers idolize people who lose and then kill themselves?

Apparently the concept of a tragic hero is lost to left wingers who idolize men that cut off their own dicks.

no, his suicide was botched. he died in absolute agony cause they couldn't properly execute the traditional form

Not his fault they couldn't pull the kaishaku correctly, he sliced his belly and that's all he had to do.

It was going to be agonizing anyway, pretty sure he would have passed out from adrenaline with his guts hanging out having the orgasm of his lifetime while his kaishakunin got shaky fingers and left his head dangling from a flap of skin.
Pretty kino way to go desu