This is the most depressing game I have ever played

This is the most depressing game I have ever played.

Attached: Ror.jpg (640x346, 20.23K)

who is this and can you fuck her

wholesome cunny sex?

what game is this? the lighting is really good

What game?

why are you wasting your time posting this outside of /vr/ or are they still not letting PS2 games in like the faggots they are?

i'd deep press her if you know what i mean

Rule of Rose, I think.
Character is Meg.

i found it, it's Rule of Roses (PS2)

>can't sex her

Attached: 4.png (640x640, 109.45K)

>Rule of Roses
looks like a pretty good horror cunny coom game

She looks 12 years old tops, are you feeling alright dude?

More than half of the replies in this thread were made by degenerate third worlders.

Shes pretty fucking hot, was this the intention?

Oh? A redditor! Eat this *unzips my penis*

One of the best stories in vidya, but also some of the worst gameplay in survival horror.

I'm feeling healthy and totally natural

Yeah, I'm just not a faggot.

>the foot scene from the intro cinematic never actually happens in the game

Attached: walkin phoenix.gif (300x225, 1.34M)

Man those models are creepy.
3dcg loli is fucking weird.

no, more like 9, which is far more hot

oh hi r/eddit

Attached: PrincessEleanor.png (534x1570, 686.77K)

Totally unplayable

Attached: 1654392314038.jpg (386x712, 48.86K)