How is that japanese coming along user?

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Japs need to get rid of their language and use English instead

i want to work in japan ( yeah yeah but only for a year or so) but most places want at least jlpt2.
how long would i realistically need to be ready for lv2 certificate?
i can understand arround 70% of every conversation.
but i only read 5 kanjis.
and speaking because of vocabs are also not my strength.
please someone who is proficent in japanese tell me the brutal truth

i agree
at least they need to bilingual

where are you weeb fags

english doesn't sound as cute as japanese so no

I'm about to do my N5 exam next week
Wish me luck bros

good luck user, make your efforts count

Don't know about speaking but if you can already understand 70% of *every* conversation that's pretty good.
For Kanji I'd recommend this - an anki adoption of Heisig's Remembering the Kanji. You'll learn the 2200 joyou kanji in a little over three months.
I went into this knowing around maybe 20 kanji and I'm halfway through and it really does work. You learn the kanji through mnemonics and focusing on the radicals rather than the kanji has a whole.

I've been learning Japanese with Duolingo for over a month now, and I love how much I have progressed. I've wasted my life all these years instead of learning something I like sooner.

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3 months is a long time....
thx nevertheless user

I've gotten good enough to understand and read it reasonably well but I've lost motivation to improve.

Oh yeah. I do love the dulcet tones of
>uh... uh... hai... uh... uh... eeeeeeehhhhhhh... suuuuuuuuu.... uh... uh... uh... hai.. hai.. hai hai... uh... uh... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

>I've wasted my life all these years instead of learning something I like sooner
How old are you, おじさん?

僕の日本語はくそです :(

>t. EOP

Not that old. 31 yo.

I don’t how to learn japanese properly


>older than 23

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Learn kana
Read Tae Kim
Install Anki and load core2k or similar starter pack of vocab cards
Start consuming native material as soon as you have at least some comprehension.

People repeat this because it works.

Don't forget to do you're reps today! I believe in you user!

Quit before you waste too much of your time.