Kinda puts everything in perspective, doesn't it?

Kinda puts everything in perspective, doesn't it?

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>what do you mean we dont own halo

>We're expanding the headquarters of our cult HQ
Sure does

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All of these studios and not a single good game. Xbox is just sad

wow a building, only a cult would have that

>december 2027
holy shit the ps7 is fucking finished

>implying ps5 is not the last sony console

>the playstation nation is no more!

Like you hipocrites play any garbage on xbox pass or any playstation game
Get a pc, buy the worthwile games of xbox and playstation through steam and then get a switch to play botw and smash

>Xbox buying proven brands
>Sony buying literally whose for god knows what
>Nintendo buying more space for their HQ, congruent with them investing to expand their internal development teams

It does actually say a lot.

Why the fuck would you buy a switch when you can emulate it far better than any shitty handheld can play?

Meanwhile every single multiplayer-capable game they've released on the Switch has had dripfed content for years since its release and we're seeing a game and news drought in real time and that's with Platinum making Bayo 3 Switch exclusive. Lahmayo

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>we're seeing a game and news drought in real time
Calm down, spaz

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Microsoft and Nintendo finally got serious and now Sony is fucked.

>you can emulate it far better
You can't

They literally just released Switch Sports and Mario Strikers with Fire Emblem Warriors out next week. And Xenoblade next month, and Pokemon and Splatoon and Mario + Rabbids after that. Then Metroid and Zelda. And apparently a fully completed new Fire Emblem game.

Game drought? Fucking cope.


Meanwhile all Microsoft has for the rest of the year is a Forza Horizon Expansion, and all Sony has (MAYBE) is God of War Nigerok

So Nintendo will stop making children's toys and become a real estate business instead?


Fire Emblem Three Hopes is out in literally less than 3 hours, its Monster Hunter Sunbreak that releases next week.

>game drought
There's been a major exclusive for every single fucking month
>January: Arceus
>February: Triangle Strategy
>March: Kirby
>April: Shitch Sports
>May: Mario Strikers
>June: Three Hopes
Yes, TS wasn't in February and Mario Strikers wasn't in May for whatever reason, but it may as well have been that way. Then July has Xenoblade 3, September Splatoon 3 and November Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Bayonetta 3 and M+R 2 yet to be dated, plus whatever hasn't been announced that will be come up eventually. Later half of 2021 was pretty stacked too, it's been a steady non stop flow of games since Skyward Sword HD in July last year.

>we're buying big studios that will take years to make games for us and when they do, they're going to be shit.
>we're buying this studio because that multiplayer game they have give us lots of money and also because we can send a fuck you to our rival.
>we're buying a land to build a new building so we can expand our own studios and do even more stuff with it.
yep, it says a lot.
