Why are normies so ignorant about vidya?

Why are normies so ignorant about vidya?

Attached: boomer.jpg (780x585, 82K)

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Same way people who play video games all day are ignorant on everything else.

that's an old man

Same way people who post on Any Forums are ignorant on having sex

>people doesn't know about a hobby that doesn't interest them

So is Shigeru Miyamoto.

and he's a virgin

did shigeru miyamoto grow up in the australia outback?

>people who play video games all day are ignorant on everything else

Attached: I AM SO SMART S-M-R-T.png (1080x1602, 371.21K)

lmao retard

What a dumb japanese run-away.

I think it's a decent score for a europoor

>he lost 5 whole points
Slobbering mongoloid confirmed


>OP never played legend of donkey kong

It's changing over time, but it's still the case that most people begin to lose interest in games as they go through their teens, and by the time they're in their 20s and have jobs, relationships, responsibilities, and so on, they've completely lost interest in video games.
I'm lucky in that most of my friends still play to some extent, but it's the online games which have the most staying power. The idea of sitting down and devoting 50-100 hours to an offline game is ridiculous to most of them, and to most people generally. Where do you get that time from? would be their question. And even if thy did have the time, the feeling of it all being a waste of time, being pointless, being an artificial challenge that isn't really even that challenging if you sink the time in, often being easy enough for small children - it strikes you more and more directly as you get older. I still love games but quite often I will think, oh shit, I'm a retard for playing this.

Is that DSP?

These questions are so easy

Attached: Mona Lisa.png (243x155, 4.71K)

KEK It's in the fucking name of the painting for fuck sake.

old enough to remember donkey kong and that it was never "The Legend of"

don't feel bad about your choice of entertainment
normalfags binge watch netflix and think nothing of it

Bros, I think I might be retarded.

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