Yuji Naka just confirmed one of gaming's biggest urban legends casually through a tweet

Yuji Naka just confirmed one of gaming's biggest urban legends casually through a tweet

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Yuji Baka

It's been confirmed for years.

Why does this guy pretend he single handedly made Sonic

It's never been confirmed. Just heavily rumoured. This is the first time from Sega has outright just said it

He doesn't work at Sega anymore so he doesn't give a fuck LOL.

SEGA will send the feds after him if he doesn't SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW

Why did they do it?

but Naka isn't part of Sega since ages

naka better watch his back

But he was during the time

He probably already burned all of his bridges in the gaming industry after his falling out with Square Enix, so he doesn't have to give a fuck anymore. What's Sega going to do, blacklist him?

>urban legend
Everybody knows it's a fact.

There's a billion and one things around the Sonic 3 soundtrack that pretty much confirm Jackson and Buxer contributed to it, so if Sega has earnestly been trying to keep it a secret through all these years they're even worse at that than they are at managing copyrights

Only ever been believable speculation. Never actually been confirmed


>He needs someone else to confirm things for him before he believes them

You are EVERYTHING wrong with Any Forums.


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Everyone knew that, wasn't there an interview with Brad Buxer and he confirmed it? Hell his Jetzons Hard Times art feature Ice Cap in it.
People have a really short attention span.

Considering Sega lost the rights to those tracks years back it was already confirmed

Only confirmation of MJ's production team but never been confirmation of MJ's involvement himself