PC gaming has come far in the past 10 years thanks to steam

Remember when PC gaming was dead 10 years ago? Remember how bad it was 10 years ago for PC gaming? We sure have come far since then.

>Japanese games coming onto PC was a crapshoot because publishers didnt believe that PC gamers would like japanese games. Today just about every japanese game is on Steam.
>Publishers didnt believe visual novels would have a market but steam convinced publishers to release and translate a lot of visual novels
>Games before steam were very concentrated towards american and japanese developers, thanks to steam's ease of access for new developers we see a birth of talent and developers from outside japan/america and in europe
>adult games finally having a place
>steam grew big enough that console makers are now release their exclusives on PC because it's a market too big to ignore
>Steam help revitalized old genre of games due to it's massive userbase

and then im not even talking about the amount of advancements and technology that steam invested into PC gaming overall that people take for granted today.

If Steam never existed, we would be buying shitty PC ports of games off desura or direct2drive, having to do sign ins on individual games off installers on amazon and trying to download new updates and patches off fileplanet.

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>Remember when PC gaming was dead 10 years ago?

PC gaming was never dead

Quit shilling your ads. I'd just pirate them, fuck you.

What did Jim change his name to again

You can't stop me

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>Poasted 12 years ago

Based Sweeney solving piracy by paying for everyone's copy

Publishers were abandoning PC, even MS didnt want to support PC gaming anymore 10 years ago. It's clear that PC gaming was dead just a decade ago and It's amazing how far things came for PC since then.

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PC gaming is dead tho. As is console. It's nothing but wokeshit or lazy indie shovelware.

If I follow his videos correctly, his name is now "Boglin Watch"

>I only pay attention and play wokeshit and lazy indie shovelware so that means gaming is dead

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Zoomers take it for granted but the majority of games during the ps3/360 era were consoles exclusive

yeah thanks Gabe for the battle pass and loot boxes. Every predatory tactic used today can be traced back to that fat fuck. Kys you worthless shill.

>steam shill thread

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PC gaming was the only games market that rapidly declined in sales a decade ago compared to consoles that were growing fast, there was pretty much no future for PC gaming if you were a PC gamer back then.

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Remember when MS tried to charge PC gamers to play online?

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user, loli is illiegal in many places. I don't think pixels need protection either but you can't exactly blame Valve for that.

If you show this to someone 10 years ago they would have thought this would be photoshopped, crazy how it's all on one platform now.

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Good morning sirs!

Nah, you're just a simpleton who's too lazy to sift through the bargain bin to find the good shit.

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