Any games where you can Rape or Take Advantage of women?

Any games where you can Rape or Take Advantage of women?

I was playing Dragon Age Origins and I managed to coerce a kiss out of some wench in Redcliffe, she didn't want to do it and it awoke something in me, now I require more games where I can do this.

Eroge welcome

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Play EU4 and colonise

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Rapelay is what you looking for.

thank you kind sir

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Sleeping Rape
Itazura Gokuaku
Sengoku Rance
Artificial Academy 2
Lost Life

>it awoke something in me
Then supress it, you disgusting creature.

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why lmao

Skyrim and Conan Exiles make for great rape sandbox games with mods.

playhome is even better

Black Souls 1/2

because then youre no better than niggers?

lmao the racist berates the rapist

imperial gatekeeper

ITT Games like Postal 2 where you can just go around and fuck around, with lots of interactivity like the ability to just go into peoples houses and do whatever the fuck you want.

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>Any games where you can Rape or Take Advantage of women?
It's called chloroform and a piece of cloth

>Go to streets
>Find female
>”Excuse me miss, does this rag smells like chloroform to you?”

Unironically CK series or Bannerlord, with mods of course, or any game with mods really.

It's a good game, buy nothing surparses Rapelay Imo

Jesus christ this post. You don't have to try so hard to fit in man

>no games like Postal where you can just go wild and start tearing people's clothes off.
What would it take?

fuck off back to plebbit
made me chuckle

Is there a rape reddit?

was meant for Sorry you got caught up in the crossfire, pal
I did not want to call you a redditor

some would probably be way into that.

I think there was.