Is it over for gaming?

>play game
>notice something is off
>spectate them
>obvious cheating
>tell server admin
>nothing is done

>play MM
>nothing is done

top 5% FPS player here. the genre is dead but also full of cheaters. im sad :(

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>join other server with active mods

who cares if people are cheating

For gaming? no
For pvp shooters? yes

not all games are multiplayer shooters.

I don't have this problem in my single player games.

its works on PC but you have to use a controller, so its basically completely garbage, unless you're playing a console shitter FPS


Because it ruins the experience for everyone.
If you have played Battlefield V, they literally take control of the server and there is nothing you can do other than to leave.

Yeah I understand but it's what I love.

Cheating is based
I paid for the game I'll play it however I want

Then why ask "is it over for gaming" when you are talking about a problem with one specific genre?

only 1-2 servers active and the other server is dogshite.

You're saying that a game with only two servers somehow has a hacker problem

Unequivocally based

why not cheat back until they leave? fight fire with fire.

i have integrity.

so you're too chicken shit to deal with it yourself and want people to solve the issue for you. got it.

Corpos don't care to fix it because they're still making billions selling digital skins.

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>pc gaming
theres your first problem

literally everyone who isn't dumbfuck

Low trust clients

Of course, some stupid fucker here would defend cheating as "le based xD" I expected nothing less from you subhumans.

You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

>Finally have good internet
>Gaming flooded with cheaters
>Literally no developer wants to allow user servers to actually provide servers with personally invested moderators
>Gaming now infested with subhuman bugpeople that have literally no idea how to actually play a game for entertainment and follow the most optimum guide some other subhuman bugperson made instead of playing the game so they can steamroll and get the match over with
>Same bugpeople literally don't understand they're fucking awful to be around and shriek git gud when they are doing the equivalent of bruteforcing a game
Thankfully, fast internet is nice for downloading single player games
>inb4 some subhuman insect replies to this post saying u mad

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It's always chinks or r*ssian niggers cheating, low life scum who can't be assed to put in the work to be good at the game and think they're being so epic for ruining everyone else's fun or genuinely believe they deserve it. They may kill everyone because they have no recoil and all shots are headies but their movement and strategy is below sub 80 IQ tier because they never bothered to learn.

based. video games are for fun, they're not a skill nor a second job.

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>It's always chinks or r*ssian niggers cheating
No user, Americans do it to. It's part of the retard mindset where people don't understand playing a game is for fun.

I'm a retard. What is that thing?

>cheater thinks everyone cheats
Tale as old as time. God I hate faggots.

i assume it lets you play games with a keyboard + mouse on console

>A Cronus Zen is a small device that players connect to their controllers or PCs. It can be used with almost any console or controller, and allows players to mod their gaming equipment to give them an inherent (and unfair) advantage in-game.

>Once connected to your controller or PC, players attach ‘scripts’ to their Cronus which give them in-game benefits. Examples include increased aim assist, rapid-fire mods and no-recoil macros (meaning the Zen will essentially aid in controlling your recoil).

You don't know the half of it my man. You think it stops at people abusing aim assist or running an aimbot? They have machine learning AI that operates on a second computer that gives an aimbot that can't be detected via scan or spectate. The only counter would be a machine learning AI anticheat with kernel level access on your computer.

>top 5% FPS player here