What faction did you choose?

What faction did you choose?

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White man's faction

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they are all shit, people need to quit shilling this "video game".
It's a fucking dialogue simulator with shittier writing than books and movies.
Everything besides it's dialogue options is trash.
graphics, combat, worldspace..absolutely soulless.

Might as well just rent out a choose-your-own adventure book out from the library

Based. The Fallout franchise is boring as shit, and so is the Elder Scrolls for that matter.

All of them over thousands of hours
House's route is the smartest to take, and what I would do irl

Anything but NCR in multiple playthroughs. Bureaucratic corruption, failing economy and lack of hindsight is the gae.

Yes Man because I know best

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Seriously, even with the obvious NCR bias and lack of content I would choose Legion because NCR is so grey

With the way things play out without the Courier's involvement the NCR is pretty much set to lose hard against the Legion so there's some solace there.

House, then Yes Man, then Legion, and repeat
>what about NCR
why would i play as the bad guys?

yes man house then ncr.

You cant join the Enclave, but the Niggerhood of Pozzed

you can make Autumn win and destroy the BoS in the DLC

Reminder that if you choose anything other than House you're a brainlet

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post the REAL image

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I love playing as a bad karma NCR merc
They're all based though, except Yes Man.

if i was going to choose, the legion.
but i can't justify doing the main story, cause it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a courier to involve themselves in this conflict.

you basically become house's specforce agent and singlehandedly settle all his issues for him. it doesn't make sense to choose any other faction because you're getting paid by house. but neither does it make sense to even agree to house's jobs either, because you are just a courier. you're not some soldier, merc, or anything like that. you've got some familiarity with wasteland survival and combat just due to the necessity of it for surviving delivering mail, but that doesn't mean you would be capable of everything house asks of you.

This. Also I never level up my skills, use guns, wear armor or kill anyone because the main character is just a courier.

no, i can justify using guns. like i said, you'd have some capability just due to the wasteland's nature necessitating it.
falling into some light mercenary work is a lot different from becoming house's enforcer. getting hired to rough up some street trash is a lot different from singlehandedly assaulting several military installations.

NCR is the real patrician choice. Faggots think because they're not perfect, but the realpolitik is that they're the American Wasteland's best hope for long term civilization.

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Why do idiots like to defend ncr so much anyway? What is there to like about them? They’re a parody of every government problem ever with none of the good.

No Gods
No Masters

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They’re literally in the mojave because they sucked their own resources dry and it will inevitably happen again, house wants to get people into colonies on unpolluted planets so that no longer becomes an issue