I’m shocked more people don’t defend The Answer...

I’m shocked more people don’t defend The Answer. You have apologists for everything but 15 years and haven’t seen a single person say it was good.

it was fine btw

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Tbh, Persona 3FES was my first persona game and I got bored by November and quit. It's a fucking slog, and I'm saying that as a boomer who played it on the PS2 when it was the current console

I beat Persona 4 golden when it came to Steam and I enjoyed it. I beat Persona 5 afterwards on an emulator and I enjoyed it. I went back to try to play Persona 3FES again, and I didn't make it even to October

Persona 3 is actually garbage. I even tried the PSP version thinking what's the worst that could happen. You actually lose zero gameplay, because Persona 3 barely has gameplay, they are glorified menus, and you still get the full dungeon. And still, I couldn't beat it

My theory is that people don't defend The Answer because so few people made it to the end of Persona 3 to begin with, and I bet even fewer even played The Answer after dealing with that archaic slog that was a chore to play even when it was cutting edge

I liked The Answer because I already enjoyed the battle system and there were new voice lines in battle.

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Back when I played The Answer to completion, I grinded all the party members to get all their skills obtained because I wanted to see them in action for myself. Then I grinded to around level 97 with Aigis and fused up as many good Personas as I could... specifically so I could solo Erebus without wiping to his charge-up move. It felt good to get to solo him after all that.

>You have apologists for everything but 15 years and haven’t seen a single person say it was good.
You're either lying or haven't been around.
It was ok, but no compendium and checkpoints for bosses like in the main game killed it for me.

It was pretty boring to play but I enjoyed the story at the time. I was a Yukarifag so I actually thought it made sense how devastated she was during the whole thing. Made it feel like the romance actually meant something unlike the other two games.

It wasn't good but if you're starved for P3 content it hits the spot.
Like user says the reactions of your party members to your own death are interesting to explore even if it ends in the most retarded battle royale. Though the music is great. It's a mixed bag of "DLC" but I love it anyways.

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>15 years ago
most of this board is barely "18", user

It's fine, it's just too hard.

This is the most sane post on this board in regards to P3. I thought I was crazy thinking the game is dogshit, but Any Forums shills it at every turn. I unironically enjoyed every other game in the series, but not P3. It's truly terrible and I barely had the will to challenge and beat Elizabeth by the time I got to her. I'll never forget the 7 fucking hours of skill rolling that I had to do for my Orpheus Telos.

I don't get why people get mad about people acting out after someone important to them died. Aigis tried kill herself, Yukari lashed out at people around her. It's pretty normal when something like that happens

I never knew it was disliked until I had beaten the game and gone to talk about it online. The only problems I had with it were all the bosses having dodge skills. nuPersonafags are bad at JRPGs and only really play the games for the dating sim stuff, so of course they won't like it

not only did i not mind the Answer but i will also defend the actions of all the other party members, including Yukari
i won't say it was GREAT because there was far too much tartarus grind for how thinly spread the plot was but it had some good moments

I'm assuming most people haven't bothered playing The Answer, parroting their opinions from what others say and fastforwarding through cutscenes on YouTube. A lot of its difficulty is due to a different kind of gameplay, from an increased addition to dungeon crawling to rethinking your own strategies. It asks for a very different mindset than what 3-5onlyfags may be looking for, especially 4-5onlies who are accustomed to a more generous combat system.

>This is the most sane post on this boar
>this is the only sane post cuz it agrees with me!

Out of all of things I don't understand how people get mad at "People acting weird". Like no shit they had someone very important to them die adn Yukari is happened twice and then it's a first for Aigis really.

It's good as a post-game challenge mode. And the story is fine, but not necessary. It slightly messes up the original ending by showing what happens afterward. The best new story addition to FES was Aigis' S.Link (The best one in the entire franchise btw)

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Because most people who play persona games are entry-level faggots who don't like RPGs and play for muh waifu, of course they're not going to like a mode that is almost entirely combat.

yeah i really don't get that complaint either
especially aigis, it's one thing to think
>yes okay i have hope and meaning in my existence now, i think maybe i'll be okay even if i lose the first and most important person in my life
and a whole other thing to have it happen

and she WAS okay, eventually. they all were. it just takes time and soul-searching. y'know, to find The Answer you're looking for

Persona was always about the relationships and stuff for me. That's why I played Persona and not SMT. But when it became all battles for hours on end, I quit.

That’s the answer’s best strength. Everybody reacting realistically to someone’s death.
But they didn’t get better after an anime friendship speech so people hate it I guess

It's fine since they seemed to wanted to have something for spin offs I guess
Like when someone dies people act dumb, you lash out at other, you think about offing yourself and just do dumb shit. Junpei was actaully most mature since of what already happened to him and the promise and talk he made with his girl.

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labrys > aigis > metis

labrys = aigis > metis

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Aegis ruined P3. She felt completely out of place. It'd be like if one of your companions in 4 or 5 was an alien.

Wasn't that the hole point of her being there? Like with the death and life thing and her being outside of it?