Zoomers kicked and screamed that it takes too long to rank up/unlock things in the game

>Zoomers kicked and screamed that it takes too long to rank up/unlock things in the game
>Devs make it 3 times faster to unlock things now and basically said fuck you to everyone else that has been playing for over half a decade

Has there ever been a generation that demanded video game devs to bend over for them more?

Attached: DBD.jpg (273x365, 99.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>more grind is better

Attached: 1444284809876.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

dbd's unlock system is dogshit and so are you for taking it seriously

>spoonfeeding zoomers because theyre so braindead and need instant satisfaction in everything

>In order to unlock all the new perks on every character by the time next Chapter releases, you would need to play an estimated average of 4.1 hours every day. With this new system, that estimate decreases to an average of 1.01 hours each day
>Defending gaming being a second job
Kill yourself. Kill yourself, I'm not kidding.

>reeeeeeeee people on this video game board stop playing video games!!!!!!!!!!

>Killer buffs
>Dead Hard into shit
>Bloodlust actually works properly
Is this damn thing actually playable again

Attached: playable.png (396x566, 232.39K)

>spend hours leveling up character to unlock their perks for everyone else
>spend even more hours leveling up other characters to unlock that said perk for themselves
>repeat for other characters
kill yourself

>didn't replace every survivor with Claudette

bloodlust is a shit mechanic and if you ever hit bloodlust II in a chase then you're doing something wrong

>trying to justify artificial timesink practices

Anons you are using Flans every single match right???

Attached: fiveflan.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

Huh? what happened?

they gave in to zoomers and made it way faster to level up and nerfed like half the game

>finally unlock perk for other killers
>spend millions of bloodpoints
>literally nowhere in sight
nice game lol

When you max out a character you now get their perks on all the other characters, instead of just getting the chance to unlock them while levelling up

iron will is now useless, BBQ now useless, WGLF now useless, borrowed time now useless, etc etc

Attached: 1.jpg (1855x2400, 340.73K)

where? patchnotes?

Why would that be a bad thing?

I uninstalled this game again when I found out that the killer can have a perk that prevents survivors from leaving even after they opened the gates, made me ragequit and uninstall

because OP is a faggot

Game fucking sucks. Remember going into a match with 3 people. Queue took 10 mins so we just logged for the night. Next day we got free points for doing nothing server problems. We tried again and other 2 friends couldnt connect while my resolution was stuck an 800x600 and mouse was stuck on 2nd monitor. Relaunched game and then we ran into a billy hacker one shotting us.


>that one fucking survivor that doesn't
And they have the gall to complain, FUCK THEM.


>zoomer issue
>when the game hides so many good perks behind you grinding and treating the game like a second job to compete with people who WILL run meta perks

shut up

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>waste my hard earned in game currency to buy, patiently, the perks at the shrine
>turns out most of them will turn to shit
T...th,..thanks, i guess.

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>>Devs make it 3 times faster to unlock things now and basically said fuck you to everyone else that has been playing for over half a decade
based devs

i've been wanting to get into this for a long time but got turned off by the grinding and shit.

Attached: 1652169669574.gif (320x159, 1.1M)

don't do it user.
it's shit.