Why do indie games keep getting uglier?

why do indie games keep getting uglier?

Attached: iron-lung.png (1281x720, 987.65K)

Because you're a retard.


Why did you censor markiplier instead of getting a screencap from the game?

it would make the pic even uglier

you retards have been asking for low poly to replace pixel shit in indie games for a decade now. You finally get your wish and now your bitching

Makes me wonder how indieshits will ruin 6thgen kino


fucking garbage

Attached: ss_a73842626880a9845778f7f21886135c8d7c6e3a.1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 748.84K)

I think that's supposed to be a quakelike user

quake didn't look that shit

stop shilling your shitty game here, chud

I'm not shilling, a bad youtuber you guys said was good said this game was amazing but its atrocious

>a bad youtuber you guys said was good


Prob early 2000s CGI (e.g Perfect Dark Zero, Halo 3, Tomb Raider: Legend, etc.), which I'm down for it

I fucking hate this low poly 3D shit. I want prerendered 2d sprites back so much bros. You got indieniggers with 0 artstyle doing shit in lazy pixel "art" and then you got unity ass 3d models, why can't we get best of both worlds. Like holy shit why is Factorio the only game in recent memory that can do it fucking correct


Attached: why cant we have more games look like this.jpg (1920x1080, 1.3M)

Iron Lung genuinely gives me the heebie jeebies

Because it's fucking expensive to make one. My dream game is like Skyrim but sci-fi and with Quake combat with a Fifth Elemenet-like setting, but that shit costs $15 million to make, I won't be able to do that until my crypto finally takes off.

Starfield cannot even achieve this
fifth element is good taste though

>not realizing that he was shilling demon turf because he's pals with the dev and got a paid deal with them

fug isn't he meant to disclose that

>they can't possibly ruin MY favorite era of vidyajuegos!!d!dd
Yeah gl on that big man

How old are you

He did iirc but I could be wrong. I know for sure he's good pals with Fabraz and got both the original game and the standalone dlc as freebies.