What was your most memorable streetpass experience?

What was your most memorable streetpass experience?

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getting one

REGGIE came to MY streetpass plaza!

i think i only got hit with a streetpass once or twice, for some reason it didn't happen often to me, but i remember playing this game about collecting small pajama people using radio waves or some shit and i had to go outside for it like pokemon go

Bringing it to college and getting a shitload of streetpasses only to realize my last played game was Senran Kagura meaning my Mii announced to everyone that I played Senran Kagura and my Mii was using my actual name

Lmao nice

>live in a major city
>even work at a Gamestop
>still rarely got any
The only time it was ever any different was when a Pokemon event was going on.

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based, fuck normalfags

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i know its marketed as literally passing people on the street but i feel like you only really got them at conventions or other areas that would be loaded with tendies. i wonder how common it would be if the switch had street pass

Had a buddy at school, she didn't know it was me (or she did but didn't ever mention it), and we'd trade various emoticon faces every time.
I love the idea of Streetpass and the Streetpass games but now that I'm out of school and the 3DS is falling out of style and I could never get Homepass to work, it sux. I wanted to finish that haunted house game.

I didn't realize you could just close your 3DS without turning it off, thought that would just waste its battery so I always hard powered it off when I wasn't playing. Needless to say the only time I got streetpasses was when I was playing at an airport terminal.

Not telling the person with MLP shit in their bio I thought they were awesome in Streetpass Plaza for 6 straight months even though they kept complimenting me.

The only people who know what that is also jerk off to anime, you lost nothing

Every morning the same girl and I would streetpass, but I never knew who it was

Nothing memorable, but it was nice seeing the same miis without fail after a schoolday and wondering who they could be. I'm sure you oldfags didn't gather nearly as much in the office and commute.

>Roommate left his DS on in sleep mode for months
>Farmed streetpass points for Bravely Default with it, since you can re-street pass the same system as long as you clear out your queue
>Built the town extremely quickly
>Professor tells us he likes streetpass and that he always carries his DS with him in sleep mode to get play coins
>On some club trip, get a random streetpass from a passerby with the intro message "Oppai Hentai!" with last played game Senran Kagura
>Left with the knowledge that the professor also saw the "Oppai Hentai" message
This wasn't you, was it?


I got iwatas at e3 the year before he died : (

It was more of a Japan tailored thing.

I had a 3DS since launch and used to walk around with it a lot (and went to several conventions) I was able to have tons of street passes as time went on and finished all the puzzles up to a point. I think I used to get around 3-5 a week where I lived, and about 120+ at conventions.

My most memorable experience was walking into the student common room at college and one of my friends was playing his 3DS and begged me to bring mine in more because I had all the puzzle pieces at the time and he wanted them. I also have a memory of seeing a somewhat cute girl working at a game shop playing OOT on her 3DS and I just said "Oh, Ocarina of Time, nice" and she looked at me and nodded with a smile. When I got back home I noticed I had streetpassed her as well and was surprised how similar her Mii looked to her. These were 2014 and 2011, respectively.

I liked streetpass, a shame the Switch didn't have something like it since I see people play on it a lot.

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thats actually really cool