The fucking instakill fish from tortibobble swamp is a cocksucker

the fucking instakill fish from tortibobble swamp is a cocksucker

Attached: onirism.png (800x450, 694.14K)

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why is this game so poorly optimized


sounds like an excuse from bad/lazy programmers, when I can run MGSV flawlessly but cant run onirism on anything higher than low graphics settings something is clearly very wrong and it cant be just "unity"

spaghetti code
also unity

Why is she so damn cute >_

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I feel like Unity has become very unoptimized as of late, at least on my PC. I can run AAA shit with no problem but Unity games always lag for some reason.

it is an excuse. Tarkov is made in Unity as well and performance is much better; it's not perfect, but the game looks miles better than Onirism. There's also Ori, a game that even though it's 2d, it looks great and runs flawlessly

Unity is super optimized, look at this render distance
Both games use nearly identical Unity version too.

Genshin runs bad too

nan desu ka?

Attached: 1608782546462.png (400x400, 180.71K)

Kill yourselves, pedofags

Back to r*ddit, soi gobbling transnigger

>expecting french pedos to be good programmers

Attached: laughing_neckbeard.jpg (640x400, 37.95K)

What happened? Did a update drop or are we just talking about her game?

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It's all shit you can find on the internet. Lack of optimization is just lazyness.


>Muslim Carol
By Allah I am cry

summer slime blast maps being remade

Attached: file.png (1216x882, 1.51M)

all of them?


Attached: file.png (493x725, 285.61K)