How do you explain it when an older and technologically far surpassed old title is better in every scale than a modern...

How do you explain it when an older and technologically far surpassed old title is better in every scale than a modern game, say for instance why is fallout 1 way better than fallout 4?

How is it that games with less resources and in a time when gaming wasn't even a real market yet, they were more innovative and had better writing that the pile of zoomie garbage we have today?
Are we really that decadent of a society?

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No idea which chapter this is from

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They were made for a smarter audience that actually wanted videogames to get better, not worse

games had more soul

>why is fallout 1 way better than fallout 4?
Because 1 is an rpg and 4 is a shitty fps made on shit engine with worse gunplay than stalker and worse rpg elements rhan mass effect


Qualities that stand the test of time are usually ones that require patience and commitment to enjoy, and a lot of people want their games to be fast and and obvious.
Its nothing new either, back in the day we had those games too, but they rarely stand the test of time.

Just because something is "better" doesn't mean that the person you\re talking too would enjoy it, it might not be what they are looking for.

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>when an older and technologically far surpassed old title is better in every scale than a modern game
Dmc 5 is better than dmc 1
Hitman WOA is getter than C47
Prey 2017 is better than prey 2006
Fuck off

>Because 1 is an rpg and 4 is a shitty fps

Doesn't that prove that the problem is that the videogame audience got worse and worse in time? Its not the fault of publishers/developers if players keep asking for worse games.

What's your limit, Any Forums? Mine's 70.

haven't played them but i would probably enjoy fo4 more than fo1. especially with mods.

FO1 and 2 have better mods than 3 and 4 combined, mostly because they are actually worth something and not just reskins or boob mods.

maybe around 60? if she has huge tits then i'd love to fuck her but the social stigma and her probably protective family would make me stay away.

I have no limit. If it moves, I'm game.

simple as that

bros i want to fuck an older woman

It's a problem of scale. In the past games developers were smaller, the market was smaller, the people interested were passionate about THEIR games.

Now most studios/devs are so big and the franchises are so old or corporately managed that you don't see the same amounts of raw passion being put into games. Games in the past were a labor of love, but now they're just products made by people, who in large parts, don't care.

This is why games like smash bros still have some soul. The people making those games and Sakurai obviously have a passion to make those games special and stand above the rest. Most games don't get that treatment.

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its only natural for games to get simpler as time goes forward

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i'll get around to your question in about..15 minutes, alright?

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is this cosmo D?

70 is a soft limit. there are very few exceptions.

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You can't teach passion.

sauce before thread gets jannied

modern video games are too tied up in corporate nonsense and games and dev teams are way bigger than ever now which leads to a too many cooks situation.

since its annoyingly cropped ill feed

Games were made to cater to nerds, that's why you either had full on RPG autism, Coombait (Lara Croft for example) or Hyper autistic sweatfest that were early the shooters

There was an era where the FPS dominated the market (they still kinda do), which brought in the dudebros and chads into gaming, slower movement games with great campaigns MP with low ttk, lots of gadgets and other bullshit letting even people who were terrible at games to score easy kills (goodluck killing a boomer in quake), it was also the dawn of "console shooters" and aim assist shit

We're now in the normalfag era, games are turning into movies (look at any modern Snoy game) or cookie clicker gacha shit meant for people with to play on trains or during work

>TDLR? I'm not gonna read that
Corporations realized they can milk people with gambling and woke movies forever. Don't even get me started on microtransactions and skins...

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(You) are based

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shota begone
this is a younger man/older woman appreciation thread
no baby penises beyond this point
no horse dicks on toddler bodies beyond this point

>see screencaps of this doujin posted
>get horny
>remember it has lightsaber dick
>boner dies

asian hags are the best one to fuck, cant wait to travel again

How do you date one once you get there?

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